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 overridden   添加此单词到默认生词本

    Override \O`ver*ride"\, v. t. [imp. {Overrode}; p. p.
    {Overridden}, {Overrode}, {Overrid}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Overriding}.] [AS. offer[=i]dan.]
    1. To ride over or across; to ride upon; to trample down.

    The carter overridden with [i. e., by] his cart.

    2. To suppress; to destroy; to supersede; to annul; to
    nullify; as, one law overrides another; to override a

    3. Hence: To countermand; to overrule; as, a supervisor may
    override the decision of a subordinate.

    4. To replace (one system with another); as, the pilot
    overrode the automatic pilot and took manual control of
    the airplane.

    5. To ride beyond; to pass; to outride. [Obs.]

    I overrode him on the way. --Shak.

    6. To ride too much; to ride, as a horse, beyond its

    1. A veto of textile quotas cannot be overridden.
    2. The high court's burgeoning conservative majority has eroded Roe vs. Wade so severely in recent years that abortion-rights forces contend that the precedent, in effect, already has been overridden.
    3. No veto has been overridden this century in Louisiana.
    4. It is only the second time that a court has overridden the right of free speech to enforce an anti-racism law barring the defamation of a people, race or ethnic group.
    5. He boasted that not one of his 10 vetoes had been overridden.
    6. "This thing is gonna be overridden, and it will be a dazzler," he said.
    7. In all, Ford was overridden 12 times.
    8. However, it isn't clear whether a presidential veto could be overridden.
    9. He's never been overridden, which takes two-thirds votes in both branches of Congress, but it's sometimes been close.
    10. Under President Reagan, whose veto of anti-Pretoria sanctions was overridden by Congress, "we had the idea that here was a position that was taken and there was no further possibility of even discussing the issue.
    11. No Louisiana legislature has overridden a governor's veto this century.
    12. President Nixon vetoed the 1972 act on the grounds it was too expensive, but was overridden.
    13. Two of the three vetoes were overridden.
    14. But the victory by Solidarity candidates gives the opposition power to veto legislation and even prevent that veto from being overridden.
    15. The recommendations will go into effect automatically unless overridden as a package by a two-thirds vote of Congress.
    16. President Reagan vetoed the sanctions but was overridden by Congress.
    17. Bush has vetoed 12 bills so far and hasn't been overridden on any.
    18. It was the first time this century that even one chamber of the Legislature had overridden a veto in Louisiana.
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