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 overripe ['әuvә'raip]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 过熟的, 衰萎的, 颓废的

    [ adj ]
    too ripe and beginning to turn soft

    Overripe \O"ver*ripe"\, a.
    Matured to excess. --Milton.

    1. Who could have gone into a frenzy over either the overripe Lyudmila Semenyaka or the oversold Nina Ananiashvili in the third act of "Raymonda" after having witnessed the majestically grave Margot Fonteyn in the same work?
    2. A bright, red, overripe tomato.
    3. His house, now split open like an overripe melon, is about 50 yards from where it was last week.
    4. The prematurely bald Kenneth has become a harridan, overripe, decayed and unpleasant, like an old mango.
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