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 override [,әuvә'raid]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 推翻, 无视, 对...有最后发言权, 制服, 践踏, 奔越过

[经] 代理佣金, 代销佣金

    overridden, overrode
    [ noun ]
    1. a manually operated device to correct the operation of an automatic device

    2. <noun.artifact>
    3. the act of nullifying; making null and void; counteracting or overriding the effect or force of something

    4. <noun.act>
    [ verb ]
    1. rule against

    2. <verb.cognition> overrule overthrow overturn reverse
      The Republicans were overruled when the House voted on the bill
    3. prevail over

    4. <verb.stative>
      health considerations override financial concerns
    5. counteract the normal operation of (an automatic gear shift in a vehicle)

    6. <verb.social>
    7. ride (a horse) too hard

    8. <verb.motion>

    Override \O`ver*ride"\, v. t. [imp. {Overrode}; p. p.
    {Overridden}, {Overrode}, {Overrid}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Overriding}.] [AS. offer[=i]dan.]
    1. To ride over or across; to ride upon; to trample down.

    The carter overridden with [i. e., by] his cart.

    2. To suppress; to destroy; to supersede; to annul; to
    nullify; as, one law overrides another; to override a

    3. Hence: To countermand; to overrule; as, a supervisor may
    override the decision of a subordinate.

    4. To replace (one system with another); as, the pilot
    overrode the automatic pilot and took manual control of
    the airplane.

    5. To ride beyond; to pass; to outride. [Obs.]

    I overrode him on the way. --Shak.

    6. To ride too much; to ride, as a horse, beyond its

    1. A successful override later this year in the Democratic-controlled Assembly would clear the way for the electric chair to be put back into use in the nation's second largest state. California already has the death penalty.
    2. Environmental Protection Commissioner Leslie Carothers proposed allowing the state to override local zoning and locate solid waste disposal facilities where it wants.
    3. Graber predicted he would have the 100 votes needed for a veto override by the time the attempt comes, probably in May.
    4. Holding enough votes this time to override a veto, Democrats are forcing a second election-year showdown with President Reagan over giving workers advance notice of plant closings and large layoffs.
    5. His subsequent absence from the Senate has forced a delay for weeks of an override attempt.
    6. The court, without comment, let stand a ruling that donors' privacy rights do not override Patty Jo Baker's need to learn their identities for her wrongful-death lawsuit.
    7. The override vote on the earlier measure was 276-144.
    8. Without Donovan's vote or a switch by one of the "No" votes, death penalty advocates lack the 41 Senate votes needed to override a veto.
    9. That is more than enough to sustain a veto in the 109-member House, although supporters of the bill say they have enough votes for an override in the Senate.
    10. Several Democratic members of the panel conceded that they probably couldn't muster the two-thirds vote needed to override a veto.
    11. President Bush's veto of a bill to provide abortion assistance to impoverished victims of rape and incest was sustained in the House on Wednesday as a 231-191 vote to override him fell 51 votes short of the necessary two-thirds margin.
    12. "We're going to be working in the coming hours to get the votes necessary and if that's possible we'll override the veto," new Speaker Thomas S. Foley said as the House prepared to meet to consider the day-old veto.
    13. Both votes indicate Congress could override a presidential veto.
    14. President Bush has turned back 10 bills, not counting the Amtrak bill, and so far Congress has failed to override any of the vetoes.
    15. Reagan vetoed a similar bill in 1985 and an override attempt that was deferred seven months to move it closer to congressional elections failed to gain the two-thirds support needed.
    16. In its ruling in May, the appeals court said the elimination of the legislative veto causes "marginally increased practical difficulty" for Congress to override a presidential recommendation.
    17. They won passage of such provisions a year ago, and while unable to override Bush's veto they used it to draw attention to the issue.
    18. The Senate failed to override Bush's veto of legislation that would have eased restrictions on political activity for federal employees.
    19. He acknowledged that the Mulroney government could override provincial opposition because only some comparatively small items of the trade agreement with the U.S. require provincial concurrence to be implemented.
    20. He has recommended a line-item veto or presidential authority to rescind items (thus forcing Congress to override a veto if it wants to pass any single item).
    21. Even if both of those hurdles were cleared, there would not be enough support to override a veto, they said.
    22. The House voted overwhelmingly to override President Reagan's veto of the $20 billion Clean Water Act.
    23. In the other 49 cases, the question of an override was not put to a vote.
    24. If Roemer vetoes the measure, anti-abortion forces said they will seek an override.
    25. But under the eyes of tourists packing the visitors' galleries because many federal tourist attractions in town were closed, the House mustered only the 260 votes to override, well short of the two-thirds vote needed.
    26. The state attorney general had argued in August before the court that Congress failed to override Nevada's disapproval notice within the 90 days required under the 1982 act.
    27. Lawmakers probably can't override any of the vetoes.
    28. On Tuesday, they postponed plans to override two controversial nationwide decrees limiting demonstrations and dissent, deciding to ignore the decrees and instead to enforce only a more liberal Estonian law on the same subject passed in January.
    29. An override requires two-thirds approval by both houses.
    30. A U.S. Supreme Court decision this year backed the city's claim that a federal energy commission license would override the state's opposition.
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