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 overran   添加此单词到默认生词本

    Overrun \O`ver*run"\, v. t. [imp. {Overran}; p. p. {Overrun}; p.
    pr. & vb. n. {Overrunning}. ]
    1. To run over; to grow or spread over in excess; to invade
    and occupy; to take possession of; as, the vine overran
    its trellis; the farm is overrun with witch grass.

    Those barbarous nations that overran the world.

    2. To exceed in distance or speed of running; to go beyond or
    pass in running.

    Ahimaaz ran by the way of the plain, and overran
    Cushi. --2 Sam.
    xviii. 23.

    3. To go beyond; to extend in part beyond; as, one line
    overruns another in length.

    Note: In machinery, a sliding piece is said to overrun its
    bearing when its forward end goes beyond it.

    4. To abuse or oppress, as if by treading upon.

    None of them the feeble overran. --Spenser.

    5. (Print.)
    (a) To carry over, or back, as type, from one line or page
    into the next after, or next before.
    (b) To extend the contents of (a line, column, or page)
    into the next line, column, or page.

    1. In March, EPLF guerrillas broke through a 10-year-old front south of their headquarters in Nacfa and overran the government-held town of Afabet, capturing three Soviet military advisers in the process.
    2. Insurgents overran seven Afghan army posts in Logar province in the first week of April and, on Monday, a 450-unit Soviet convoy including more than 100 armored vehicles headed south toward the province from Kabul, the diplomats reported.
    3. Government troops overran a major Tamil rebel camp in eastern Sri Lanka and found the bodies of 20 policemen believed to have been captured last month, military officials said today.
    4. Cambodian guerrillas claimed they overran three key government positions today in a major attack to retake a strategic northwestern town destroyed in recent months by seesaw fighting.
    5. They had been detained since Iraqi forces overran Kuwait Aug. 2.
    6. The attack Sunday marked the first time Iraq had taken the initiative in the ground war since mid-1986, when it overran the virtually abandoned Iranian town of Mehran just inside the Iranian border.
    7. On June 11, they overran dozens of police stations in the east and captured 850 policemen.
    8. What was left of Chatilla from earlier battles lies in ruins after two months of fighting between Palestinian factions. Guerrillas of Saeed Mousa's Fatah-Uprising faction, backed by Syria, overran it June 27 and ousted Yasser Arafat's Fatah loyalists.
    9. Nevertheless, he said "obviously a lot of documents" were taken by the Iraqis when they overran the country, seizing government buildings and files.
    10. A statement Tuesday from the Revolutionary Guards Corps said tens of thousands of its members would lead demonstrators Saturday outside the former U.S. Embassy to "mark this great day" when militants overran it.
    11. Afghan guerrillas said today they captured 880 communist troops, including a handful of officers, when they overran several government posts in the eastern province of Paktia.
    12. Saddam said he understood the families felt restricted, but that Iraq needed to hold them to prevent an attack by U.S.-led forces sent to the gulf to prevent Iraqi troops that overran Kuwait from invading Saudi Arabia.
    13. Chad's military command said its forces killed more than 1,700 Libyan soldiers and destroyed more than two dozen aircraft and scores of tanks when they overran a Libyan base in northeastern Chad over the weekend.
    14. In another development, Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein sacked his army chief, suggesting dissension in the ranks over Kuwait, which his forces overran three months ago.
    15. In September, the Tiger rebels killed 60 soldiers when they overran the Kokavil army camp, 10 miles north of Mankulam.
    16. Earlier Wednesday, government troops overran two small bases, forcing a number of the Karen rebels to retreat to Klerday.
    17. A U.K.-based rebel group condemned the nomination Tuesday of a new Somalian president by an insurgent faction that overran the capital last weekend after former President Siad Barre fled in a tank.
    18. About 1,000 people are believed to have been killed since the Tigers repudiated a year-long cease-fire with the government on June 10 and overran police stations in the Tamil-dominated north and east.
    19. "If nationalists or terrorists overran a Soviet nuclear storage site in one of the republics, would the superpowers coordinate their actions?"
    20. Further south on Sunday, about 1,000 Burmese troops overran the headquarters of the New Mon State Army near the Burmese border village of Three Pagoda Pass, a Thai official said.
    21. About 2,400 combatants have been reported killed since July 11 when the Tigers overran a chain of police stations, shattering a 13-month-old cease-fire.
    22. Iraq last week ordered all embassies in Kuwait to shut down, saying the emirate _ which it overran on Aug. 2 _ is now part of Iraq.
    23. The guerrillas overran the district seat of Svay Leu in Siem Reap province on Friday, the guerrilla radio said.
    24. Hooper, then a 29-year-old sergeant, crossed a river through enemy fire and with his men overran several bunkers.
    25. When Zimbabwean/Mozambican forces overran a Renamo base in Gorongosa, they found documents detailing the collaboration of South African military officers and government ministers with the MNR.
    26. That overriding interest caused President Bush to dispatch U.S. military forces to the Persian Gulf last week to shield oil-rich Saudi Arabia from the threat of an attack by Iraq, which overran Kuwait Aug. 2.
    27. Completion dates for the projects at the private shipyards overran the original schedules by an average of 43 days, while at the public shipyards, completion dates overran the original schedules by an average of 81 days.
    28. Completion dates for the projects at the private shipyards overran the original schedules by an average of 43 days, while at the public shipyards, completion dates overran the original schedules by an average of 81 days.
    29. Some Western and Kuwaiti leaders have used the atrocity reports to press for military action to dislodge Iraq from Kuwait, which it overran in an Aug. 2 invasion.
    30. Fatah-Uprising guerrillas, led by Col. Saeed Mousa, overran Chatilla in a fierce 13-hour battle Monday that leveled what was left of the camp.
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