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 keel piece 添加此单词到默认生词本

    Keel \Keel\, n. [Cf. AS. ce['o]l ship; akin to D. & G. kiel
    keel, OHG. chiol ship, Icel. kj[=o]ll, and perh. to Gr.
    gay^los a round-built Ph[oe]nician merchant vessel, gaylo`s
    bucket; cf. Skr. g[=o]la ball, round water vessel. But the
    meaning of the English word seems to come from Icel. kj["o]lr
    keel, akin to Sw. k["o]l, Dan. kj["o]l.]
    1. (Shipbuilding) A longitudinal timber, or series of timbers
    scarfed together, extending from stem to stern along the
    bottom of a vessel. It is the principal timber of the
    vessel, and, by means of the ribs attached on each side,
    supports the vessel's frame. In an iron vessel, a
    combination of plates supplies the place of the keel of a
    wooden ship. See Illust. of {Keelson}.

    2. Fig.: The whole ship.

    3. A barge or lighter, used on the Tyne for carrying coal
    from Newcastle; also, a barge load of coal, twenty-one
    tons, four cwt. [Eng.]

    4. (Bot.) The two lowest petals of the corolla of a
    papilionaceous flower, united and inclosing the stamens
    and pistil; a carina. See {Carina}.

    5. (Nat. Hist.) A projecting ridge along the middle of a flat
    or curved surface.

    6. (Aeronautics) In a dirigible, a construction similar in
    form and use to a ship's keel; in an a["e]roplane, a fin
    or fixed surface employed to increase stability and to
    hold the machine to its course.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    {Bilge keel} (Naut.), a keel peculiar to ironclad vessels,
    extending only a portion of the length of the vessel under
    the bilges. --Ham. Nav. Encyc.

    {False keel}. See under {False}.

    {Keel boat}.
    (a) A covered freight boat, with a keel, but no sails,
    used on Western rivers. [U. S.]
    (b) A low, flat-bottomed freight boat. See {Keel}, n., 3.

    {Keel piece}, one of the timbers or sections of which a keel
    is composed.

    {On even keel}, in a level or horizontal position, so that
    the draught of water at the stern and the bow is the same.
    --Ham. Nav. Encyc.

    {On an even keel} a. & adv., steady; balanced; steadily.

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