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 keeled   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ adj ]
    having a ridge or shaped like a ridge or suggesting the keel of a ship
    a carinate sepal

    Keeled \Keeled\, a.
    1. (Bot.) Keel-shaped; having a longitudinal prominence on
    the back; as, a keeled leaf.

    2. (Zo["o]l.) Having a median ridge; carinate; as, a keeled

    Keel \Keel\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Keeled}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    1. To traverse with a keel; to navigate.

    2. To turn up the keel; to show the bottom.

    {To keel over}, to upset; to capsize. [Colloq.]

    1. A 10-year-old boy, visiting on a class trip, keeled over backward when one of these creatures blared like a French horn in his face.
    2. That was proved by Mr. Marion at a Sotheby's auction in the '70s when a front-row bidder keeled over from a heart attack.
    3. "Even if Saddam had not done what he did, the market still would have keeled over," says A.C. Moore, a managing director at Argus Investments.
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