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 Keeley 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. If she is elected, "there'll be a return to the Clinton era of antitrust, which was actually more centrist," said attorney Mike Keeley of Axinn, Veltrop and Harkrider LLP.
    如果她当选,“将回到克林顿时代反垄断法的轨道,而这实际上是更加中立,” Axinn, Veltrop & Harkrider LLP的律师Mike Keeley称。
  2. "Many parents never had a male babysitter or nanny as children, so therefore do not think of males when it comes time to find a caregiver for their own children, " says Keeley.
  3. The anthropologist Lawrence Keeley of the University of Illinois estimates that more than 90 percent of pre-state, tribal societies engaged in at least occasional warfare, and many fought constantly.
    据伊利诺伊大学人类学家劳伦斯·基利(Lawrence Keeley)估计,90%以上的国家形成前的部落社会至少偶尔发生战争,而很多社会则是战事连绵。

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