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 inasmuch [ɪnəz'mʌtʃ添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 因...之故, 在...范围内

    Inasmuch \In`as*much"\, adv. [In + as + much.]
    In like degree; in like manner; seeing that; considering
    that; since; -- followed by as. See {In as much as}, under
    {In}, prep.

    Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these,
    ye did it not to me. --Matt. xxv.

    Syn: Because; since; for; as. See {Because}.

    1. This would seem plausible inasmuch as the international experience shows that human well-being benefits from the effective practice of free trade.
    2. "Getty Terminals has absolutely no motive to refrain from collecting taxes inasmuch as all taxes collected are remitted to the IRS.
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