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 inaudible [in'ɔ:dəbl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 听不见的

    [ adj ]
    impossible to hear; imperceptible by the ear
    an inaudible conversation

    Inaudible \In*au"di*ble\, a. [L. inaudibilis; pref. in- not +
    audire to hear: cf. F. unaudible. See {In-} not, and
    Not audible; incapable of being heard; silent. --
    {In*au"di*ble*ness}, n. -- {In*au"di*bly}, adv.

    1. They seemed to hear voices inaudible to the rest of us.
    2. The wails of the Cassandras, however, were inaudible amid the 'Syd-ney, Syd-ney' chants last night.
    3. Every word registers, even from actors who a fortnight ago were often inaudible in A Midsummer Night's Dream.
    4. Before he was sentenced, the 29-year-old Texas killer, wearing dark glasses, uttered a rambling, nearly inaudible statement in court that ended with the words: "Lucifer dwells within us all." "You don't understand me.
    5. Wright said the alleged mobsters, suspecting they might be under surveillance, turned on hair dryers, flushed toilets, whispered and used other means to try to make conversations inaudible.
    6. Q. Do you think that some of the recent departures from Justice, some of those folks should have waited for this report before they (inaudible)? A. Well, we only had two people who departed.
    7. Can you give us more of an idea of the time _ (inaudible) _ and how long you think they'll be there _ the American people _ (inaudible)? A: No. They haven't even gotten there yet, so I can't estimate how long it'll be.
    8. Can you give us more of an idea of the time _ (inaudible) _ and how long you think they'll be there _ the American people _ (inaudible)? A: No. They haven't even gotten there yet, so I can't estimate how long it'll be.
    9. What was more the caller was fed to the back teeth with dramas in which key passages of dialogue were rendered inaudible by other noises.
    10. We've see your senior staff out today - (inaudible) - consistency, but yet there seems to be a variance there.
    11. An inaudible message crackled over a loudspeaker. "Usually they just lean back into the cabin and shout if they want us to know something," she said over the engine.
    12. Q. Does that mean _ they've asked for _ (inaudible) _ to launch an investigation _ (inaudible).
    13. Q. Does that mean _ they've asked for _ (inaudible) _ to launch an investigation _ (inaudible).
    14. If you're - (inaudible) - for Clayton Williams.
    15. All of a sudden, the next day, we're - (inaudible). What caused this change? A: I don't think it is a change.
    16. Q. Have you given any consideration to the concern about the so-called sleaze factor and the impact that will have on Mr. Bush's campaign in the fall (inaudible)? A. I don't think that's going to have any impact whatsoever.
    17. Q. Mr. President, can you tell us the state of play on thinking of _ (inaudible) ? PRESIDENT BUSH: Well, the good news is that no shipping from Iraq is coming through the Straits of Hormuz.
    18. Q. (Start of question inaudible) _ Senator Quayle, that you are going to lead the charge against the Democrats and, words like pit bull have been used, and so forth.
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