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 inaugurated 添加此单词到默认生词本
v. 使正式就任;开始;开幕(inaugurate的过去分词)

  1. The Export Commodities, Fair was inaugurated yesterday.
  2. We rejoiced early this year as our new state leaders were inaugurated.
  3. A travel health center under the Center for Disease Control was inaugurated Monday to provide health care counseling.

Inaugurate \In*au"gu*rate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Inaugurated};
p. pr. & vb. n. {Inaugurating}.]
1. To introduce or induct into an office with suitable
ceremonies or solemnities; to invest with power or
authority in a formal manner; to install; as, to
inaugurate a president; to inaugurate a king. --Milton.

2. To cause to begin, esp. with formality or solemn ceremony;
hence, to set in motion, action, or progress; to initiate;
-- used especially of something of dignity or worth or
public concern; as, to inaugurate a new era of things, new
methods, etc.

As if kings did choose remarkable days to inaugurate
their favors. --Sir H.

3. To celebrate the completion of, or the first public use
of; to dedicate, as a statue. [Colloq.]

4. To begin with good omens. [Obs.] --Sir H. Wotton.

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