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 forbade [fɚ'bæd]   添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. Her father forbade their marriage.
  2. I forbade him entering the house.
  3. Most of the parents agree to forbade their children to smoke.

Forbade \For*bade"\,
imp. of {Forbid}.

Forbid \For*bid"\ (f[o^]r*b[i^]d"), v. t. [imp. {Forbade}
(f[o^]r*b[a^]d"); p. p. {Forbidden} (f[o^]r*b[i^]d"d'n)
({Forbid}, [Obs.]); p. pr. & vb. n. {Forbidding}
(f[o^]r*b[i^]d"d[i^]ng).] [OE. forbeden, AS. forbe['o]dan;
pref. for- + be['o]dan to bid; akin to D. verbieden, G.
verbieten, Icel. fyrirbj[=o][eth]a, forbo[eth]a, Sw.
f["o]rbjuda, Dan. forbyde. See {Bid}, v. t.]
1. To command against, or contrary to; to prohibit; to

More than I have said . . .
The leisure and enforcement of the time
Forbids to dwell upon. --Shak.

2. To deny, exclude from, or warn off, by express command; to
command not to enter.

Have I not forbid her my house? --Shak.

3. To oppose, hinder, or prevent, as if by an effectual
command; as, an impassable river forbids the approach of
the army.

A blaze of glory that forbids the sight. --Dryden.

4. To accurse; to blast. [Obs.]

He shall live a man forbid. --Shak.

5. To defy; to challenge. [Obs.] --L. Andrews.

Syn: To prohibit; interdict; hinder; preclude; withhold;
restrain; prevent. See {Prohibit}.

  1. He said his guidelines for promoting KNBC's news forbade him from concocting events, but had to grab the attention of the public.
  2. In contrast to Mrs. Genest's anti-war message, Blanchette's widow, Lise, forbade the use of her husband's name in an anti-war demonstration.
  3. But Cardinal James A. Hickey of Washington has condemned Stallings' plans for the new church, which were announced two weeks ago, and forbade Stallings to celebrate mass.
  4. Argentina's so-called convertibility plan tied the Argentine currency explicitly to parity with the dollar, and forbade the central bank to issue local currency unless backed by dollar reserves.
  5. Officials who block privatisation will be sacked. In a separate decree, published yesterday, the government forbade enterprises from exporting without bank proof of pre-payment from their foreign companies, or letters of credit.
  6. Their basilisk concentration compelled us to listen, forbade critical detachment: the lean lines, subtly plain and earth-coloured, spoke volumes.
  7. Pending his ruling on a permanent injunction, the judge temporarily forbade Venie to file illegal head-of-household or child-care claims or any return containing false or fraudulent information.
  8. For example, one Health Ministry decree forbade cooperative medical clinics from renting state diagnostic equipment, said Yuri Vorontsov, head of a medical cooperative.
  9. Congress in 1985 authorized the State Department to solicit so-called humanitarian aid from other governments for the Contras, but it forbade the CIA and Defense Department from doing so.
  10. The first case overturned automatic municipal contract set-asides for minority-owned firms without some finding of previous discrimination, and the second forbade the use of an 1866 civil rights law to sue over alleged racial harassment on the job.
  11. The Saudis, however, fearful that Coastal's exemption would breach the integrity of the embargo and encourage other exceptions, forbade Coastal to pick up the oil.
  12. In a Feb. 21 letter to his lawyers, the Fed expressly forbade the new investor from attempting to "influence the loan and credit decisions or policies of Citicorp" without the Fed's prior approval.
  13. On Jan. 1 this year, the government began a gradual devaluation of the peso and granted granted workers an 8 percent increase in the daily minimum wage, amounting to about $4. It forbade employers from passing along the added labor cost to consumers.
  14. A judge's ruling that forbade a woman from changing her last name without her husband's permission has been overturned.
  15. Pratt forbade Eastern to pursue government permission to sell the shuttle, and threatened $10,000-per-day fines for future transgressions.
  16. He forbade any public statement on either matter without his written permission. Members of the opposition-dominated national assembly said yesterday parliament would study the ban to see if it was constitutional.
  17. Police forbade the crowd from marching out of the stadium, and the youths sang freedom songs before dispersing quietly when they were told Mpetha had not yet been freed.
  18. In the 1960s, with help from the American Civil Liberties Union, Robel challenged the Internal Security Act of 1950, a section of which forbade communists from working in military plants.
  19. Quite understandably, their son took the first opportunity to flee, ending up under the influence of a guru whose regime forbade conversation with one's parents.
  20. In 1985, he expelled thousands of foreign workers while at the same time his revolutionary system forbade Libyans from working for other Libyans under most circumstances.
  21. "They forbade us from taking furniture," said Kamleh Ismail Rabai, whose son, Wahid, was jailed 17 days ago.
  22. Ivria had been convinced that Netta's attacks were just a ruse to attract her father's attention and forbade Yoel from touching their daughter.
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