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 forbidden [fɚ'bɪdn.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 被禁止的, 严禁的

[电] 禁用的

  1. The Forbidden City is one of the world's greatest works of architecture.
  2. Forbidden City is a great magnet for foreign tourists.
  3. Smoking is forbidden. Please extinguish your cigarettes.

[ adj ]
excluded from use or mention
forbidden fruitin our house dancing and playing cards were out
a taboo subject

Forbid \For*bid"\ (f[o^]r*b[i^]d"), v. t. [imp. {Forbade}
(f[o^]r*b[a^]d"); p. p. {Forbidden} (f[o^]r*b[i^]d"d'n)
({Forbid}, [Obs.]); p. pr. & vb. n. {Forbidding}
(f[o^]r*b[i^]d"d[i^]ng).] [OE. forbeden, AS. forbe['o]dan;
pref. for- + be['o]dan to bid; akin to D. verbieden, G.
verbieten, Icel. fyrirbj[=o][eth]a, forbo[eth]a, Sw.
f["o]rbjuda, Dan. forbyde. See {Bid}, v. t.]
1. To command against, or contrary to; to prohibit; to

More than I have said . . .
The leisure and enforcement of the time
Forbids to dwell upon. --Shak.

2. To deny, exclude from, or warn off, by express command; to
command not to enter.

Have I not forbid her my house? --Shak.

3. To oppose, hinder, or prevent, as if by an effectual
command; as, an impassable river forbids the approach of
the army.

A blaze of glory that forbids the sight. --Dryden.

4. To accurse; to blast. [Obs.]

He shall live a man forbid. --Shak.

5. To defy; to challenge. [Obs.] --L. Andrews.

Syn: To prohibit; interdict; hinder; preclude; withhold;
restrain; prevent. See {Prohibit}.

Forbidden \For*bid"den\, a.
Prohibited; interdicted.

I know no spells, use no forbidden arts. --Milton.

{Forbidden fruit}.
(a) Any coveted unlawful pleasure, -- so called with
reference to the forbidden fruit of the Garden of Eden.
(b) (Bot.) A small variety of shaddock ({Citrus decumana}).
The name is given in different places to several
varieties of Citrus fruits.

  1. Cornelia Parker has produced a set of six postcards of work made in the station hotel, itself forbidden to public access.
  2. With martial law declared in some parts of the capital, Beijing Mayor Chen Xitong said foreign reporters were forbidden to conduct interviews or make tapes or videos on the streets or at government offices, schools, factories and mines.
  3. Col. Oliver North of the National Security Council staff and CIA Director William Casey, to divert profits from the secret sale of arms to Iran to the Contras during a period when Congress had forbidden the use of U.S. funds.
  4. They are currently forbidden, as are retail banks, from "deposit-taking" in Mexico.
  5. Guardsmen will be forbidden to leave Guard property with a weapon, said Col. Raymond Murphy, Massachusetts National Guard chief of staff.
  6. This would allow securities exchanges and corporate issuers to offer investors products that are forbidden from trading anywhere but on a futures exchange.
  7. "From our earliest days, to finish school somehow, we had to pretend that we believed in official stories, while in fact we believed in things that were forbidden," Kapor said in a recent column in the Belgrade daily newspaper Politika.
  8. Jean-Manuel Bourgois, director of Les Presses de la Cite publishing house, was forbidden as a child to make German friends. His 19-year-old daughter bears no hostility at all.
  9. Until this year, wine auctions were forbidden in the city. Kurile islands: A group of Japanese is due to visit the Russian-held island of Etorofu on Saturday.
  10. However, Israel regularly uses punishments forbidden by the conventions, such as deportations and demolition of Palestinian homes.
  11. Germany's Federal Cartel Office said yesterday a contract by Thyssengas and Ruhrgas, the country's largest gas supplier and distributor respectively, to supply energy to four cities in Germany would be forbidden under European monopoly regulations.
  12. After the revolution, under various republics, local languages were forbidden or heavily discouraged.
  13. Browsing through bookstores, strolling down the street and going to movies are forbidden by the armed government guards who move him from one safe house to another to protect him from a year-old Iranian death sentence.
  14. Last June a concert at the same site featuring David Bowie brought out the People's Police on the other side after East Berlin rock fans crowded close to the Wall to hear the music on the forbidden side.
  15. He also faces allegations that he may have been involved personally in the illegal resupply of military aid to the Nicaraguan Contra rebels at a time when that was forbidden by Congress.
  16. Bank holding companies, under a regulation passed by the Federal Reserve Board three years ago, started underwriting a limited amount of some previously forbidden securities in the July-September quarter of 1988.
  17. Bosnian Serbs had previously forbidden entry to the town where hundreds have died during the Serbs' three-week offensive, including 91 reported killed yesterday.
  18. When the greatest Russian instrumentalist, cellist Mstislav Rostropovich, ran afoul of the KGB for befriending dissident writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn, he was forbidden to travel abroad and excluded from Russia's major concert halls.
  19. Official aid was at that time forbidden by law.
  20. McFarlane's testimony, devoted mostly to aid given to the Contras at a time when it was forbidden by U.S. law, also touched on the revelation that money from the sale of arms to Iran had been diverted to the Contra cause.
  21. However, the film is hampered by the reticence of Forster's original work, and its tacky denouement, which serves up a low-class assistant gamekeeper to satisfy the hero's forbidden passion.
  22. Greater limits on activities would be permitted to state-chartered S&Ls, but forbidden to S&Ls with federal charters.
  23. Or that blacks were once forbidden to perform at Constitution Hall.
  24. Securities transactions, an increasingly important part of international finance, are forbidden.
  25. There he was forbidden to do scholarly work; he and his family survived the next few years by raising ducks and chickens and gathering dried grass for fuel.
  26. Why should such people be forbidden their violent fix?
  27. "The embassy has been seized," another Costa Rican official at the embassy told The Associated Press in an earlier telex interview. "They have forbidden us to talk.
  28. Cairo never has told its people otherwise, and they can't learn firsthand because their government has forbidden them to enter Taba until the Egyptian claim is vindicated.
  29. Moreover, a President Dukakis might be able to address the hidden costs of irrational pollution and hazard regulation, more forbidden territory for Republicans.
  30. The council, which also includes representatives of private-sector interests, noted that under a recently enacted law that protects the local software industry, imports of software are forbidden if a similar Brazilian product already exists.
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