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 forbearing [fɔ:'bɛərinŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 宽容的, 能忍耐的

  1. He has a forbearing nature; he accepts trouble with a smile.
  2. I cannot forbear from expressing my opinion about your recent mistakes.
  3. He has a forbearing nature; he accepts all his troubles with a smile.

[ adj ]
showing patient and unruffled self-control and restraint under adversity; slow to retaliate or express resentment
seemly and forbearing...yet strong enough to resist aggressionwas longanimous in the face of suffering

Forbear \For*bear"\ (f[o^]r*b[^a]r"), v. i. [imp.
{Forbore}({Forbare}, [Obs.]); p. p. {Forborne}; p. pr. & vb.
n. {Forbearing}.] [OE. forberen, AS. forberan; pref. for- +
beran to bear. See {Bear} to support.]
1. To refrain from proceeding; to pause; to delay.

Shall I go against Ramoth-gilead to battle, or shall
I forbear? --1 Kings
xxii. 6.

2. To refuse; to decline; to give no heed.

Thou shalt speak my words unto them, whether they
will hear, or whether they will forbear. --Ezek. ii.

3. To control one's self when provoked.

The kindest and the happiest pair
Will find occasion to forbear. --Cowper.

Both bear and forbear. --Old Proverb.

Forbearing \For*bear"ing\, a.
Disposed or accustomed to forbear; patient; long-suffering.
-- {For*bear"ing*ly}, adv.

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