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 exorbitant [ɪg'zɔrbətənt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 过度的, 过高的, 过分的

  1. The practice of lending money and charging the borrower interest, especially at an exorbitant or illegally high rate.
  2. You should be sensible and not make exorbitant demands.
  3. The biologist decided to try out that exorbitant device.

[ adj ]
greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation
exorbitant rentextortionate prices
spends an outrageous amount on entertainment
usurious interest rate
unconscionable spending

Exorbitant \Ex*or"bi*tant\, a. [L. exorbitans, -antis, p. pr. of
exorbitare to go out of the track; ex out + orbita track: cf.
F. exorbitant. See {Orbit}.]
1. Departing from an orbit or usual track; hence, deviating
from the usual or due course; going beyond the appointed
rules or established limits of right or propriety;
excessive; extravagant; enormous; inordinate; as,
exorbitant appetites and passions; exorbitant charges,
demands, or claims.

Foul exorbitant desires. --Milton.

2. Not comprehended in a settled rule or method; anomalous.

The Jews . . . [were] inured with causes exorbitant,
and such as their laws had not provided for.

  1. There has been price-gouging: "I have heard of people charging absolutely exorbitant prices," Mr. Schwartau says.
  2. The taxpayers who have to pay exorbitant rates to borrow money from banks are lending banks money at the lowest government rate.
  3. But Sumitomo's man had great difficulty getting calls through to Tokyo, and when he succeeded, the bill was exorbitant.
  4. In addition, their wide use would require exorbitant capital investments and could be environmentally damaging.
  5. If the gilt market is right, NatWest will have to take exorbitant risks to achieve that return.
  6. But special prosecutor Joseph Bender told the jury the case is not about Jim and Tammy Bakker or whether defendants collected exorbitant salaries or bonuses.
  7. But analysts say despite exorbitant price hikes, Western Europe will be less damaged than the United States by rising energy prices.
  8. She has less to do with Grace Kelly or Eva Marie Saint than with the women one sees on late-night television ads offering telephone sex at an exorbitant per-minute charge.
  9. Investors bid up the prices of many country funds to exorbitant levels, prompting fund managers to bring out a slew of new funds.
  10. Our rent is $5,000 a month; we don't pay ourselves exorbitant salaries.
  11. When the unit initially went on the market, potential purchasers said GE wanted an exorbitant price, more than ITT Corp. was asking for its ITT World Communications Inc. unit, which was put up for sale in 1986.
  12. "I try to buy life insurance, and I can't; the price is exorbitant.
  13. East German officials have promised to crack down on exorbitant pricing, which they say is at its worst in East Germany's eastern extremities, where consumers are less able to shop for better bargains across the West German border.
  14. Opponents say the measure would inhibit voluntary testing and the cost would be exorbitant.
  15. The real Peter Rabbit, bought for the "exorbitant sum" of four shillings, six pence at a London market, was a lazy sort.
  16. Purchasers can resell the rights, even for exorbitant profits.
  17. As a result, consumers complained, national manufacturers got greedy and lazy, charging exorbitant prices for inferior merchandise and rarely bothering to expand product lines.
  18. The settlers also have set up private businesses that sell supplies in the isolated desert town for exorbitant prices, Izvestia said.
  19. The organisers have digested the fact that its glitzy array, and sometimes exorbitant prices, have deterred both middle range collectors and informed browsers.
  20. Because of consumer fears that easing price controls will result in exorbitant prices, the government will discuss compensation for price increases beginning next year and only afterwards draft the reform, he said.
  21. "We've tried spending exorbitant amounts of money and we've tried not spending exorbitantly," he says.
  22. Privatization of airports would inevitably lead to the slow and painful death of the commercial air-travel industry through exorbitant fares and minimal competition.
  23. The private nuclear industry and companies involved in the development of nuclear weapons for the Energy Department claim that without a special limitation on their potential damages, their insurance costs would be exorbitant.
  24. There are widespread complaints about rising prices, monopoly practices in the generating industry and exorbitant pay for electricity company executives.
  25. He criticizes "some of these exorbitant salaries paid to corporate executives unrelated to productivity," adding that "boards of directors ought to do a better job with that." ANGRY FAMILIES of Pam Am 103 victims press for more anti-terrorism action.
  26. Collor de Mello, former governor of the poor northeastern state of Alagoas and one of Sarney's harshest critics, gained national attention by firing state employees with exorbitant salaries, popularly known as "maharajas."
  27. "If I had to pay exorbitant rent I could't do it, but I own the building," he explains. "There is no waste.
  28. Some critics have complained that shoe companies encourage poor inner-city youths to spend exorbitant funds buying sneakers, such as Reebok's Pump shoes that retail for $150. In some places police have reported people being mugged for their sneakers.
  29. James Sterba rightfully ridicules the pseudotropical clothes that Banana Republic sells at exorbitant prices (arts page, Jan. 22).
  30. Should anyone be taxed at such exorbitant rates as the current generation of taxpayers are so that I might live well despite earlier profligacy on my part? Nor am I alone in this largesse.
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