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 exorcised 添加此单词到默认生词本
(用祈祷等)驱除(恶魔)(exorcize的过去式和过去分词 )

  1. In the space of a week, Arsenal have exorcised two of the ghosts from last season's title run-in.
  2. An American church has been condemned over a video showing a 16-year-old boy apparently being exorcised by church leaders trying to cast a "homosexual demon" from his body.
    一家美国教会由于一段视频而受到责难。 该视频显示教会领袖正为一名16岁男孩驱邪,试图赶走他体内的“同性恋恶魔”。
  3. So Turks and Armenians will get achance to talk about Ani, if history's ghosts can be exorcised.

Exorcise \Ex"or*cise\ ([e^]ks"[o^]r*s[imac]z), v. t. [imp. & p.
p. {Exorcised} (-s[imac]zd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Exorcising}
(-s[imac]`z[i^]ng).] [L. exorcizare, Gr. 'exorki`zein; 'ex
out + "orki`zein to make one swear, bind by an oath, fr.
"o`rkos oath: cf. F. exorciser.]
1. To cast out, as a devil, evil spirits, etc., by
conjuration or summoning by a holy name, or by certain
ceremonies; to expel (a demon) or to conjure (a demon) to
depart out of a person possessed by one.

He impudently excorciseth devils in the church.

2. To deliver or purify from the influence of an evil spirit
or demon.

Exorcise the beds and cross the walls. --Dryden.

Mr. Spectator . . . do all you can to exorcise
crowds who are . . . processed as I am. --Spectator.

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