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 exorcise ['eksɒ:saiz]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 驱邪, 除怪

  1. A priest exorcized the ghost from the house.
  2. The priests had to exorcise the devil spirit from the body of the little boy, with bell, book and candle.
  3. A noodle shop delivery worker lured a teenager to bed by claiming he could exorcise the evil spirit he claimed was possessing her.

[ verb ]
expel through adjuration or prayers
<verb.contact> exorcize
exorcise evil spirits

Exorcise \Ex"or*cise\ ([e^]ks"[o^]r*s[imac]z), v. t. [imp. & p.
p. {Exorcised} (-s[imac]zd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Exorcising}
(-s[imac]`z[i^]ng).] [L. exorcizare, Gr. 'exorki`zein; 'ex
out + "orki`zein to make one swear, bind by an oath, fr.
"o`rkos oath: cf. F. exorciser.]
1. To cast out, as a devil, evil spirits, etc., by
conjuration or summoning by a holy name, or by certain
ceremonies; to expel (a demon) or to conjure (a demon) to
depart out of a person possessed by one.

He impudently excorciseth devils in the church.

2. To deliver or purify from the influence of an evil spirit
or demon.

Exorcise the beds and cross the walls. --Dryden.

Mr. Spectator . . . do all you can to exorcise
crowds who are . . . processed as I am. --Spectator.

  1. Magistrate Tim Cherry accepted state evidence Tshabalala sexually violated the girl while purporting to exorcise evil spirits, the Bulawayo paper said.
  2. 'The boat is full.' Mr Teufel sees the extreme-right as no more than the result of a periodic protest vote, not a trend, but somehow cannot quite exorcise it on his own. So he has called in Mr Kohl to back him up.
  3. "One perk of being a songwriter is exorcising your feelings as they come along," he said. "And people can exorcise theirs as they listen too." He wrote it on Christmas Eve as he sat alone at home before gathering with family members.
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