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 disarm [dɪs'ɑrm]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 解除武装, 裁军, 缓和

vi. 放下武器

  1. We didn't trust him at first, but his charming manner completely disarmed us.
  2. The police disarmed the criminal.
  3. It is difficult to persuade them to disarm.


Disarm \Dis*arm"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Disarming}; p. pr. & vb.
n. {Disarming}.] [OE. desarmen, F. d['e]sarmer; pref. d['e]s-
(L. dis-) + armer to arm. See {Arm}.]
1. To deprive of arms; to take away the weapons of; to
deprive of the means of attack or defense; to render

Security disarms the best-appointed army. --Fuller.

The proud was half disarmed of pride. --Tennyson.

2. To deprive of the means or the disposition to harm; to
render harmless or innocuous; as, to disarm a man's wrath.

  1. Lebanese press reports Monday said Wells used karate to disarm his captives and escape.
  2. India has an estimated 47,000 troops in Sri Lanka to disarm the Tamil militants and enforce the accord.
  3. The firing began when an Indian fired his gun as soldiers tried to disarm him, the department says.
  4. The Indian troops were supposed to disarm the Tamil Tigers and other militant groups under the peace accord, which also promised limited autonomy to the minority Tamils.
  5. An arrangement under which more than 13,000 Contra rebels are to disarm and be given land to work parallels in some ways an earlier episode in 20th-century Nicaraguan history.
  6. The U.S. rapidly reduced its six-million-strong armed forces in 1945 and 1946, even though the Soviet Union did not disarm.
  7. A handy device to disarm political opponents, glasnost could get out of control and vent latent discontent among the Soviet masses.
  8. Galeano released his statement from the remote community of El Almendra, in one of several zones designated to safeguard security while the rebels disarm.
  9. "In the same way that they (the government) pressured us to disarm, we're pressuring them to give us answers to our problems," said former rebel William Castellon, one of seven men occupying the Santo Domingo Church.
  10. It has been an attempt to disarm the current and future strength of a conservative presidency.
  11. The Kremlin has agreed to let Armenian authorities try to disarm thousands of militants in the republic and will not resort to sending in troops, the new president of Armenia said Thursday.
  12. The Contra leadership, now based in El Almendro, 110 miles southeast of Managua, has said it will not order Contra fighters to disarm because it cannot guarantee their personal security.
  13. Attempts by the Republicans to scare people into thinking the Democrats would disarm America were "gross distortions," the Georgia Democrat said.
  14. But Thach has opposed proposals for an international armed force that would disarm the warring factions, including the Khmer Rouge, who some fear will return to power once Hanoi's forces are withdrawn.
  15. CROATIA said yesterday it would demand more muscle for United Nations peacekeepers to disarm Serb rebels.
  16. "I'll only return to south Beirut when either of the two factions smashes the other or when the Syrians disarm both groups," she said.
  17. The premiere includes the tale of Paul Ragonese of the New York Police Department's bomb squad, and how he felt when helping disarm a particularly complex bomb containing 15 sticks of dynamite.
  18. In 1987, India brokered a peace accord between the two sides and sent a force to disarm the rebels.
  19. The rebels agreed Wednesday to renew the demobilization process and to disarm the entire Contra army by a previously agreed-to deadline of June 10.
  20. The Contras cited the alleged arming of the civilian population when they missed several deadlines to disarm.
  21. Solomon represented the United States in drafting the Big Five formula providing for a United Nations presence to organize free elections, temporarily oversee government and disarm the Southeast Asian country's warring factions.
  22. The Tigers are fighting Indian peacekeeping troops who were sent to Sri Lanka to disarm the guerrillas and enforce the peace accord.
  23. Slovenia and Croatia defied warnings of a Yugoslav military crackdown against the two rebel republics, refusing to disarm their paramilitary forces, according to news reports.
  24. The commander of the Indian peacekeeping force said Sunday the last of his troops would withdraw by the end of the week, leaving the towns and jungles they once patrolled to the guerrillas they were sent to disarm in 1987.
  25. The Tamil Tigers refused to disarm, however, and the Sri Lankan government eventually demanded that the Indian troops withdraw.
  26. With the ink barely dry on a Contra promise to disband by mid-April, U.S.-backed rebels have streamed into Nicaragua and their military leader says they won't disarm until the Sandinista army does.
  27. Sri Lanka's parliament voted to extend a state of emergency for another month as Indian peace-keeping forces continued their drive to disarm Tamil guerrillas in northern and eastern areas.
  28. In fact, he said, countering witnesses' assertions that a soldier had killed a man who tried to disarm Goldstein, there were no soldiers inside the tomb; they were keeping a low profile in deference to the Ramadan prayers.
  29. Making the Contras disarm by inauguration day had become nearly an obsession with the Sandinistas, who were trounced in the Feb. 25 election.
  30. They want the police to withdraw before they disarm and are demanding shipments of food, clothing, medical supplies.
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