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 disassembling [`dɪsə'sɛmbl.添加此单词到默认生词本
[计] 反汇编, 分解, 分散, 拆卸

  1. The following figures show the basic actions of assembling and disassembling a shock damper.
  2. Fresh solutions result from disassembling and reassembling the building blocks in an infinite number of ways.
  3. With the axle journal protection sleeve in disassembling of wheels, the problem of“ down grading” can be solved well.

  1. He said engineers will spend the next two days studying computer readouts of the test and disassembling the motor, and officials expect to have a complete analysis within two weeks.
  2. Also on the site are a weapons laboratory, a Navy nuclear fuel processing plant, facilities for disassembling retired nuclear warheads and related operations.
  3. Investigators were disassembling the piece and will send it to NTSB laboratories in Washington, D.C. for further testing, she said.
  4. Morton Thiokol and NASA engineers planned to begin disassembling the motor Monday and expected final test results within two weeks, Raab said.
  5. "We've pulled out all the stops, and we're still not getting results," he says, disassembling a toy cannon after class.
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