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 disassemble [,disә'sembl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 解开, 拆开

  1. Disassemble a toaster.
  2. Attempt to disassemble the product can damage it and void your warranty.
  3. Do not attempt to disassemble the phone. There are no user serviceable parts inside.

[ verb ]
take apart into its constituent pieces
<verb.creation> break apart break up dismantle take apart

disassemble \dis`as*sem"ble\ v. t.
1. to take apart; to disconnect the parts of; to convert a
whole into its constituent pieces.

Syn: dismantle, take apart, break apart, break up. [PJC]

2. (Computers) to convert a computer program in machine
language into an equivalent assembly-language file.

disassemble \dis`as*sem"ble\ v. i.
to be able to come apart easily; to be converted into
constituent parts; as, the rifle disassembles into small
pieces for concealment.

  1. What was most unpredictable was the role that courts, the most conservative of American institutions, would play using statutory law to disassemble patterns of job discrimination for the first time in our history.
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