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 decennial [dɪ'sɛnɪəl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 十年间的, 每十年一次的, 持续十年的

n. 十周年, 十周年纪念

  1. For the2000 decennial census, that will no longer be the case.

Decennial \De*cen"ni*al\, a. [See {Decennary}.]
Consisting of ten years; happening every ten years; as, a
decennial period; decennial games. --Hallam.

Decennial \De*cen"ni*al\, n.
A tenth year or tenth anniversary.

  1. The Census Bureau is mailing out questionnaires March 23 to all American households in its decennial head-counting exercise.
  2. Next year, the Census Bureau will conduct the nation's 21st decennial census.
  3. The survey, which wasn't part of the 1990 decennial census, included data gathered through 1989.
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