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 decent ['di:sәnt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 有分寸的, 得体的, 大方的

  1. It was decent of her to help the homeless.
  2. He dreamed of living in decent conditions.
  3. His first novel was a flash in the pan, and he hasn't written anything decent since.

[ adj ]
  1. conforming to conventions of sexual behavior

  2. <adj.all>
    speech in this circle, if not always decent, never became lewd
[ adv ]
  1. in the right manner

  2. <adv.all>
    please do your job properly!
    can't you carry me decent?
[ adj ]
  1. socially or conventionally correct; refined or virtuous

  2. <adj.all>
    from a decent family
    a nice girl
  3. according with custom or propriety

  4. <adj.all>
    her becoming modesty
    comely behavior
    it is not comme il faut for a gentleman to be constantly asking for money
    a decent burial
    seemly behavior
  5. sufficient for the purpose

  6. <adj.all>
    an adequate income
    the food was adequate
    a decent wage
    enough food
    food enough
  7. decently clothed

  8. <adj.all>
    are you decent?
  9. observing conventional sexual mores in speech or behavior or dress

  10. <adj.all>
    a modest neckline in her dress
    though one of her shoulder straps had slipped down, she was perfectly decent by current standards

decent \de"cent\ (d[=e]"sent), a. [L. decens, decentis, p. pr.
of decere to be fitting or becoming; akin to decus glory,
honor, ornament, Gr. dokei^n to seem good, to seem, think;
cf. Skr. d[=a][,c] to grant, to give; and perh. akin to E.
attire, tire: cf. F. d['e]cent. Cf. {Decorate}, {Decorum},
1. Suitable in words, behavior, dress, or ceremony; becoming;
fit; decorous; proper; seemly; as, decent conduct; decent
language. --Shak.

Before his decent steps. --Milton.

2. Free from immodesty or obscenity; modest.

3. Comely; shapely; well-formed. [Archaic]

A sable stole of cyprus lawn
Over thy decent shoulders drawn. --Milton.

By foreign hands thy decent limbs composed. --Pope.

4. Moderate, but competent; sufficient; hence, respectable;
fairly good; reasonably comfortable or satisfying; as, a
decent fortune; a decent person.

A decent retreat in the mutability of human affairs.
-- {De"cent*ly}, adv. -- {De"cent*ness}, n.

clothed \clothed\ adj.
1. wearing clothing. [Narrower terms: {adorned(predicate),
bedecked(predicate), decked(predicate), decked
out(predicate)}; {appareled, attired, clad, dressed,
garbed, garmented, habilimented, robed}; {arrayed,
panoplied}; {breeched, pantalooned, trousered};
{bundled-up}; {caparisoned}; {cassocked}: {costumed}:
{decent}] [Narrower terms: {dight}] [Narrower terms:
{dressed-up, dressed to the nines(predicate), dressed to
kill(predicate), dolled up, spruced up, spiffed up}]
[Narrower terms: {gowned}] [Narrower terms: {habited}]
[Narrower terms: {heavy-coated}] [Narrower terms:
{overdressed}] [Narrower terms: {petticoated}] [Narrower
terms: {red-coated, lobster-backed}] [Narrower terms:
{surpliced}] [Narrower terms: {togged dressed esp in smart
clothes)}] [Narrower terms: {turned out}] [Narrower terms:
{underdressed}] [Narrower terms: {uniformed}] [Narrower
terms: {vestmented}] Also See: {adorned}, {decorated}.
Antonym: {unclothed}.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. covered with or as if with clothes or a wrap or cloak.
fog-cloaked meadows

Syn: cloaked, draped, mantled, wrapped.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. Bertie's a frightfully decent chap and fancies himself a master schemer and solver of life's small problems, but his machinations always go awry, requiring the intervention of Jeeves ("Indeed, sir?") to get him out of trouble.
  2. The four characters screw each other and themselves to perfection but the moral survives beneath the wit in the audience's total identification with the only decent character, an unemployed birdwatcher.
  3. But, as usual, the news media are a faceless mass of shouting imbeciles blinding decent folk with flashbulbs and TV lights _ as they no doubt appeared to the McClures at the time.
  4. "Here, there's plenty of work and the money is decent.
  5. After graduation, responsibility for the sign fell to whichever classmate had a spare wall or decent storage space.
  6. His serve is big, and every now and then you get a funny hop on the serve, and then he comes in and hits some decent volleys."
  7. But even with all these potential problems, global short-term bond funds have generally produced good results. And, argue fund managers, they should continue to produce decent returns.
  8. Ventrilio said since the 9000 CDs were available in decent quantities starting in January, the cars outsold their sibling, the 9000 hatchback models for each of the first three months of 1989.
  9. "If it just goes to book value, that's a decent move."
  10. My fellow Democrats, I am indeed honored to introduce a decent and caring man, a good friend, a great senator, and the next vice president of the United States _ Lloyd Bentsen.
  11. Their advice is as bad now as it has been during the past eight years." J.F. Powers became a writer because he couldn't find a decent job during the Depression.
  12. Mrs. Freeman makes "artificial pockets, soil buckets," by excavating the clay to a good depth and replacing it with "decent soil, compost and a bit of dried sheep manure or pigeon dung."
  13. Dealers said selling pressure remained minimal. "Any decent line of stock up for sale at a reasonable price sells pretty quickly," one trader said.
  14. It's a fight for the rights of tenants, it's a fight for housing for the homeless, it's a fight for decent jobs for everyone in this economy." Sanders, 47, said Clavelle's victory was proof that the Progressive Coalition wasn't his "one-man show.
  15. "This new program will be of significant help to us as we work to meet our national goal of safe, decent and affordable housing for all Americans," Kemp said in a statement.
  16. 'There had been some decent activity numbers. 'The problem was the timing and the subsequent revelation that Eddie George (governor of the Bank of England) didn't want it.
  17. With a three-year rolling contract he is expected to pick up decent compensation, although terms have yet to be fixed. The parting seems to have been amicable; David Simons, chief executive since January, has now 'completed his management team'.
  18. But does not such enthusiasm for taking in each other's washing look just a teeny weeny bit like backscratching? A decent ending to a company's stockmarket life is as important as a decent birth.
  19. But does not such enthusiasm for taking in each other's washing look just a teeny weeny bit like backscratching? A decent ending to a company's stockmarket life is as important as a decent birth.
  20. They've got Mike Marshall, a first baseman big enough to join the A's Canseco, Parker and Mark McGwire in making a decent football front four.
  21. Recently discovered Comet Austin may put on a big show in the eastern sky at dawn in late April and early May, delighting sky watchers who needed binoculars to get a decent peek at Halley's Comet.
  22. You'll need a decent photographic shop or optical equipment specialist if you want to do it properly.
  23. At a fringe meeting last night he attacked 'political correctness' and spoke up for the 'decent majority'.
  24. Pullman provided decent homes, good schools and high culture to the workers in his utopian company town.
  25. Leo's attorney, Seymour Toll, called his client "a decent respected man" who saw his "25-year career in government contracting work obliterated."
  26. To make a half-way decent return, its shareholders must be hoping that it will win traffic that no-one predicted.
  27. Colorado Springs should be a decent test of the merits of limiting government.
  28. In the darkest hours of his struggle for human rights in the Soviet Union, he embodied all that is good and decent in the human spirit." To Margaret Thatcher, prime minister of Britain, Sakharov was "a remarkable person.
  29. If Harper Collins "will create semi-autonomous operating units and allow them the discretion to customize market and product, globalization has a decent chance of working," Mr. Elbaum adds.
  30. While there are some decent excuses for the failure to pick up the unauthorised forex dealings, a little public abasement goes a long way towards drawing the sting of tabloid criticism.
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