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 decentralization [`disɛntrələ'zeʃən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 分散, 权力分散, 权力下放

[经] 分散化, 分权化, 疏散

  1. But decentralization raises problems of its own.
  2. Domestic vertical tax competition is the must of tax decentralization.
  3. This is not simply a problem of financial centralization or decentralization.

[ noun ]
  1. the social process in which population and industry moves from urban centers to outlying districts

  2. <noun.process>
  3. the spread of power away from the center to local branches or governments

  4. <noun.act>

decentralization \de*cen`tral*i*za"tion\, n.
1. The action of decentralizing, or the state of being
decentralized. ``The decentralization of France.'' --J. P.

2. the spread of power away from the center to local branches
or governments.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. The chairman and chief executive was asked in June at a news conference in London whether the decentralization was an acknowledgement that being big had its problems.
  2. Naturally, there are costs to decentralization, but these costs seldom outweigh the benefits.
  3. Franc Sifkovic, general director of the Iskra Avtomatika plant that Gorbachev was visiting, complained that decentralization undur perestroika had complicated the firm's dealings with the Soviet Union.
  4. In addition to this decentralization, Occidental Oil & Gas said it will consolidate.
  5. And most important of all, the Americans, just because they upheld that wide-ranging decentralization of power, gave free scope and elbow room to free decision making and creativity.
  6. He said ways would be sought to introduce more decentralization and free-market principles to state enterprises.
  7. WPP Group PLC's J. Walter Thompson subsidiary announced a restructuring and decentralization of its Asia Pacific region operations.
  8. America's great social, political and innovative strength is in decentralization.
  9. Their survival takes on more significance as the big parties reluctantly allow some decentralization of power to take place.
  10. And we needed to pass the declaration." "I think it has great political significance for our government" and will hasten decentralization, said Khasbulatov, a strong supporter of Yeltsin.
  11. In the late 1970s, as chief executive of Ho Chi Minh City, formerly Saigon, he permitted decentralization and profit-making like that which exists in Eastern Europe and China.
  12. As superintendent of the Miami-Dade County system, Fernandez began a decentralization experiment that has reached 100 out of the city's 260 schools.
  13. Li generally is regarded as more cautious than his predecessor, Communist Party chief Zhao Ziyang, who has become the leading architect of all-out economic and political decentralization.
  14. The current situation is a result of Beijing's success in decentralization.
  15. They had a little of both until 1976, the year a new constitution carried decentralization to the outer limits.
  16. Moscow believes it should use old-style central planning to halt slumping production, and only then move on to genuine liberalization and decentralization.
  17. Yves Auguste, interior and decentralization.
  18. Security forces also feared the decentralization of the economy and some political affairs had increased public discontent, the sources reported.
  19. Ms. Kendall and Mr. Louw believe that a radical decentralization of the current all-powerful national government is a must if the polyglot populations of South Africa are to feel secure.
  20. Political and economic reforms, including decentralization of authority and emphasis on profit-and-loss, have eroded the few guarantees of access to higher education, jobs and political representation for women.
  21. It directly affects what goes on in the schools," said Thurston A. Atkins, a longtime observer of decentralization and a professor at Columbia University's Teachers College.
  22. He took on the decentralization of the Soviet economy in 1988, replacing Nikolai V. Talyzin, who lost his non-voting status on the Politburo on Wednesday.
  23. The daily said CAAC, which in recent years has initiated a program of decentralization to make its operations more efficient, is finally acknowledging the need for improvement.
  24. The bank holding company's chief operating officer and chief financial officer resigned last week because of what some observers speculate was a difference of views on the company's decentralization of management.
  25. Like the U.S. Constitution, the Indaba proposes the decentralization of political power, thus minimizing the chances of group conflict.
  26. Zhao reportedly has been criticized for pushing decentralization and price reforms too quickly, contributing to the out-of-control pace of industrial growth and inflation of more than 20 percent.
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