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 cooker ['kʊkɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 炊事用具, 炉灶, 锅, 炊具, 烹饪用水果, 窜改者, 伪造者

[化] 蒸锅

  1. Clean the area round the cooker.
  2. Sam and his wife had a running battle over whether they should buy a new cooker, Sam didn't want to get one but his wife did.
  3. The gas company is offering fifty pounds off a new cooker if you trade in your old one.

[ noun ]
a utensil for cooking

cooker \cooker\ n.
an implement for cooking.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. Metcalf, who has been promoting the solar cooker since 1979, was joined by Pillsbury in 1986.
  2. "From the numbers and what the people are saying, all signs are that East Germany has become a social pressure cooker," he says.
  3. The fire was caused by a flare from a gas cooker being used by one of the pilgrims, the statement said.
  4. Never ask a cooker for the recipe to his sauce.
  5. Add a dash of rigor-minded school reformers, stir in textbook publishers that see preschoolers as a growth market, turn up the heat to compete with the hard-driving Japanese, and Johnny is in a pressure cooker.
  6. Oxford told sheriff's deputies she unzipped the brown teddy's back to see what was wrong, and pulled out a bag with a syringe, a broken plunger, a bottle cap fashioned into a drug cooker, and the residue of an unknown drug.
  7. Even this might have made a compelling tale had Mr. Lewis given us some straightforward information: What was it like to be in the pressure cooker of a trading floor?
  8. Next to the booth is a 7-foot-long steel cooker with three cooking surfaces and plenty of space for a whole hog.
  9. Belling and Co, the privately owned cooker manufacturer, passed into receivership on Friday.
  10. In an effort to fix the voice box, Oxford unzipped the back of the toy and found a plastic bag containing a syringe, a bottle cap fashioned into a homemade drug "cooker" and residue from an unidentified drug, said Toussaint.
  11. In general they involve fish or meat with potatoes and onions. 'It's a method of cooking that is as valid as any other,' says Bruno, who also praised the Aga cooker.
  12. Mr. Morosky, 46 years old, said in an interview that after 15 years in the retailing pressure cooker, he wants to retire as the Columbus, Ohio-based company's No. 2 executive "and go fishing."
  13. When the former directors of Belling, the UK cooker manufacturer, were trying to salvage their ailing company in 1991, they turned to the pension scheme.
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