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 Cookies 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 饼干

  1. Every purchaser of a pound of coffee received a box of cookies as a bonus.
  2. Bill will bring sandwiches, Alice will bring cakes, Susan will bring cookies, Mike will bring eggs, and last but not least, Sally will bring the orange juice.

Cooky \Cook"y\, n.; pl. {Cookies}. [Cf. D. koek cake, dim.
koekje; akin to G. kuchen, E. cake; or cf. OE. coket, prob.,
a sort of cake, and prob. of French origin.]
A small, flat, sweetened cake of various kinds.

  1. Cookies, saffron bread and mulled wine are consumed at impromptu parties.
  2. There's his theater district restaurant, the Broadway Cafe; his East Side French restaurant, Chez Louis; and David's Cookies, little takeout shops where the huge chunks of chocolate ooze out of the dough.
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