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 coasting ['kəustiŋ添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 沿岸航行,沿岸贸易,海岸线

  1. The disabled ship coasted the island, looking for a harbor.
  2. The shape, outline, or boundary of a coast.

Coasting \Coast"ing\, n.
1. A sailing along a coast, or from port to port; a carrying
on a coasting trade.

2. Sliding down hill; sliding on a sled upon snow or ice.
[Local, U. S.]

Coast \Coast\ (k[=o]st), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Coasted}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Coasting}.] [OE. costien, costeien, costen, OF.
costier, costoier, F. c[^o]toyer, fr. Of. coste coast, F.
c[^o]te. See {Coast}, n.]
1. To draw or keep near; to approach. [Obs.]

Anon she hears them chant it lustily,
And all in haste she coasteth to the cry. --Shak.

2. To sail by or near the shore.

The ancients coasted only in their navigation.

3. To sail from port to port in the same country.

4. [Cf. OF. coste, F. c[^o]te, hill, hillside.] To slide down
hill; to slide on a sled, upon snow or ice. [Local, U. S.]

Coasting \Coast"ing\, a.
Sailing along or near a coast, or running between ports along
a coast.

{Coasting trade}, trade carried on by water between
neighboring ports of the same country, as distinguished
from foreign trade or trade involving long voyages.

{Coasting vessel}, a vessel employed in coasting; a coaster.

  1. But the campaigns started in late January, and as has been the case for more than a year, sales have followed a roller-coaster pattern: bumping up just before one round of incentive programs ends and coasting down until the next set begins.
  2. Money managers and analysts believe that by this time next year the U.K. economy will have put its problems behind it, and that the stock market will be coasting along at a record level.
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