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 coat [kot]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 外套

vt. 外面覆盖, 给...穿外套

[医] 衣, 膜, 层

  1. Jane bought a fur coat yesterday.
  2. The table was coated in dust.
  3. The doctor gestured me to take off my coat.

[ noun ]
  1. an outer garment that has sleeves and covers the body from shoulder down; worn outdoors

  2. <noun.artifact>
  3. a thin layer covering something

  4. <noun.artifact>
    a second coat of paint
  5. growth of hair or wool or fur covering the body of an animal

  6. <noun.animal>
[ verb ]
  1. put a coat on; cover the surface of; furnish with a surface

  2. <verb.contact> surface
    coat the cake with chocolate
  3. cover or provide with a coat

  4. <verb.body>
  5. form a coat over

  6. <verb.contact>
    Dirt had coated her face

Coat \Coat\ (k[=o]t; 110), n. [OF. cote, F. cotte, petticoat,
cotte d'armes coat of arms, cotte de mailles coat of mail,
LL. cota, cotta, tunic, prob. of German origin; cf. OHG.
chozzo coarse mantle, G. klotze, D. kot, hut, E. cot. Cf.
{Cot} a hut.]
1. An outer garment fitting the upper part of the body;
especially, such a garment worn by men.

Let each
His adamantine coat gird well. --Milton.

2. A petticoat. [Obs.] ``A child in coats.'' --Locke.

3. The habit or vesture of an order of men, indicating the
order or office; cloth.

Men of his coat should be minding their prayers.

She was sought by spirits of richest coat. --Shak.

4. An external covering like a garment, as fur, skin, wool,
husk, or bark; as, the horses coats were sleek.

Fruit of all kinds, in coat
Rough or smooth rined, or bearded husk, or shell.

5. A layer of any substance covering another; a cover; a
tegument; as, the coats of the eye; the coats of an onion;
a coat of tar or varnish.

6. Same as Coat of arms. See below.

Hark, countrymen! either renew the fight,
Or tear the lions out of England's coat. --Shak.

7. A coat card. See below. [Obs.]

Here's a trick of discarded cards of us! We were
ranked with coats as long as old master lived.

{Coat armor}. See under {Armor}.

{Coat of arms} (Her.), a translation of the French cotte
d'armes, a garment of light material worn over the armor
in the 15th and 16th centuries. This was often charged
with the heraldic bearings of the wearer. Hence, an
heraldic achievement; the bearings of any person, taken

{Coat card}, a card bearing a coated figure; the king, queen,
or knave of playing cards. ```I am a coat card indeed.'
`Then thou must needs be a knave, for thou art neither
king nor queen.''' --Rowley.

{Coat link}, a pair of buttons or studs joined by a link, to
hold together the lappels of a double-breasted coat; or a
button with a loop for a single-breasted coat.

{Coat of mail}, a defensive garment of chain mail. See {Chain
mail}, under {Chain}.

{Mast coat} (Naut.), a piece of canvas nailed around a mast,
where it passes through the deck, to prevent water from
getting below.

{Sail coat} (Naut.), a canvas cover laced over furled sails,
and the like, to keep them dry and clean.

Coat \Coat\ (k[=o]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Coated}; p. pr. & vb.
n. {Coating}.]
1. To cover with a coat or outer garment.

2. To cover with a layer of any substance; as, to coat a jar
with tin foil; to coat a ceiling.

  1. Closer inspection reveals no stitching - hours of detailed tying and dying have produced an amazing effect of design and texture. For intricate stitching, Cordsen shows off a hand-made silk appliqued outfit, comprising coat, dress and trousers.
  2. The rear side shows a young woman wearing a white laboratory coat and glaring at a battery of dials and buttons that could be straight out of a bad science fiction movie.
  3. Printed with flowery lettering and embossed with a gold coat of arms, invitations to join the Dewar's Highlander Clan make the club appear quite elite.
  4. They must never be allowed to dry out and should also get a yearly coat of oil or wood preservative. Butts can be placed some distance away from the downpipe by using special attachments that connect to it and a length of hose.
  5. Senior Trooper Allen Coburn, who stopped Rollins early Sunday, said he found two bags of a rock-like substance suspected of being cocaine in Rollins' coat pockets.
  6. She was followed out of the truck by an elderly woman wearing sneakers and carrying dress shoes and a banker in a navy, cashmere coat, who climbed down and rushed away.
  7. By the end of the 30-second ads, the homeless man gets a new coat, the distraught woman dresses up to face the world again and the older man enjoys restored health on a beach.
  8. The Walpole lock and a grand gold ceremonial key bearing the papal coat of arms are on loan from Baltimore's Walters Art Gallery, which plans to display much of its sizable collection next year.
  9. Top Austrian officials want to remove the hammer and sickle from the national coat of arms, though historians say the republic's emblem for more than seven decades was never intended to symbolize communism.
  10. There is a blue single-breasted coat in wool and cashmere, at Pounds 495.
  11. The units have already been sold. After the Games, and a quick coat of paint, the apartments will handed over to their new owners.
  12. Taking his cue from Bush on the steamy day, Quayle doffed his coat, momentarily struggling to pull his arms out of the sleeves.
  13. There, a lady in a trench coat furtively slipped the Emmy to a man in a trench coat.
  14. There, a lady in a trench coat furtively slipped the Emmy to a man in a trench coat.
  15. The one-day auction included office furniture, brass coat racks, stock trading desks, personal computers and other paraphernalia from the firm, the epitome of American corporate finance in the go-go 1980s.
  16. A silver-handled Plains rifle fetched $22,500. Other items included Cody's buffalo-hide coat and his silver-handled toothbrush.
  17. COUTTS Bank clings assiduously to the frock coat and royal family image that befits a 300-year-old bastion of the English establishment.
  18. Now I am going to enjoy life with my wife." Akihiro Nagayama, a junior at Meiji University, said he already has a car, a stereo and a video and now was shopping for a leather coat.
  19. "When we took off a coat, we just ripped it off," recalls former model Patty Quinn.
  20. Karl Lagerfeld is current and past master of the fitted long jacket or redingote shortie coat over coltish long legs _ both for Chanel and under his own label.
  21. If the job requires more than a single coat, sand lightly in between coats.
  22. After the judge declared a mistrial, Hayes ran out of the courthouse with his coat over his face.
  23. In fact, they seemed dowdy and deserted, in need of a window-washing and a coat of paint.
  24. Function and insider knowledge is all. The charm of the Husky tweed coat is its perfect adaptation to the needs of the shooting set.
  25. The moral, political and economic crisis in our country is linguistically inseparable from this word." He said the national coat of arms that combined traditional and Communist symbols was "heraldic nonsense."
  26. In a videotape, Anderson's 4-year-old daughter Sulome appeared, wearing a green coat and riding a bicycle given to her at Christmas in Anderson's name.
  27. Gomsakhurdjia said policemen trying to arrest him and others ripped his coat to shreds.
  28. "Impossible to get," says a woman in a sheepskin coat as she squeezes up to the counter to grab her invoice.
  29. She drinks coffee from a cup that says "The Boss," wears a mink coat, and with her promotion at International Business Machines Corp. last week, Ellen M. Hancock easily becomes one of the most powerful women in American business.
  30. Eventually, a tall, balding man in a white coat would emerge from his office and adjust new swimming goggles to his customer's face as carefully as he would fit new dentures to a patient's gums.
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