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 coastline ['kost`laɪn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 海岸线

  1. The coastline in this area is quite irregular.
  2. As evening came the coastline faded into darkness.
  3. The ship clung to the coastline.

[ noun ]
the outline of a coast

  1. Light rain fell along the New England coastline early today and a wave of severe thunderstorms lashed the Midwest.
  2. Strong wind and towering 33-foot waves lashed the low-lying, heavily populated coastline of Andhra Pradesh state, knocking down hundreds of thatched huts, uprooting trees and downing power lines.
  3. Ronald Reagan, leaning on American-made semiconductors as his excuse, thereupon began to draw a high protectionist curtain along his country's western coastline.
  4. Bush took his speedboat Fidelity out for an early morning spin in the Atlantic while fog still blanketed the rugged coastline around Walker's Point.
  5. The high court's decision also could affect some of the remaining 35 miles of sandy beaches along Maine's 3,500 miles of coastline.
  6. There is a sheen of oil in a much wider area around the ship, including evidence of oil on the coastline of the several islands there." A private yacht 10-15 miles away reported earlier that it had seen oil patches on the water, he said.
  7. Later, he flew in a helicopter over the Carolina coastline, where Hugo had come ashore a week earlier, and flew low over some of the hardest hit areas of downtown Charleston.
  8. The oil has had an impact on virtually the entire coastline of the park," Bane said.
  9. Arthur Andersen said it had been appointed administrator of British International Helicopters, a company employing nearly 500 people around Britain's coastline to provide helicopter transport links.
  10. The Border Patrol has 17 agents and two boats for a 30-mile coastline.
  11. Uraba is in the department of Antioquia and has a Caribbean coastline extending to Panama, about 550 miles north of Bogota.
  12. The governor on Saturday asked Alaskans to observe five minutes of silence Sunday in remembrance of the way things were before the Exxon Valdez oil spill fouled hundreds of miles of pristine coastline.
  13. Another 70 miles of coastline leads the highway to San Francisco where the route's beauty is lost is a maze of traffic until resurfacing across the Golden Gate in Marin County.
  14. In Louisiana, 10,000 people had orders today to leave homes along the bayous on the state's flood-prone coastline.
  15. Meanwhile, another western storm moved into the Pacific Coast states, bringing heavy rain and high surfs to the California coastline and snow in the mountains.
  16. Dry and warm weather was expected along the California coastline.
  17. Scientists believe that a fracture in the earth's crust 35 miles below the Pacific coastline south of Lima had caused the quakes, Orbegozo said.
  18. Hurricane Gilbert has similarities to Allen, which had winds up to 200 mph but diminished before it reached the Texas coastline in 1980, meteorologists say.
  19. Bad weather hit the area on July 4, with winds reported up to 55 mph. Searches for wreckage along the Australian coastline failed to find any debris from the vessel.
  20. Israeli soldiers killed four Palestinian guerrillas who were headed toward the coastline at Tel Aviv in speedboats to launch attacks coinciding with a Jewish religious holiday. Twelve Arabs were captured.
  21. It spilled almost 11 million gallons of crude, killing scores of animals and fouling hundreds of miles of coastline.
  22. The 23-mile coastline of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is now pocked with small black-sand beaches, he said.
  23. Rival Christian forces escalated their battle Wednesday for control of a strategic stretch of coastline, killing 20 people and wounding 41 in fierce shelling duels, police said.
  24. The Iraqis turned the park, and much of Kuwait's 180-mile coastline, into a bristling fortress against an allied sea assault that never came.
  25. Syrian and Christian troops battled with tanks and mortars in hills above Beirut Monday while Syrian artillerymen shelled the coastline of the Christian enclave north of the capital.
  26. Though Jerry barely brushed Louisiana, it stirred up enough waves to eat away more of the delicate coastline of the barrier island and popular resort community of Grand Isle.
  27. They shell the coastline daily to prevent supplies of weapons, fuel and food from getting through.
  28. Cowpwr said the spill affected only 2 percent of Alaska's 6,640 miles of coastline.
  29. Iran has built similar launch pads at other sites on its main coastline without ever deploying any actual missiles, one source noted.
  30. You've got a densely populated coastline and, incidentally, one that is environmentally sensitive." Bass PLC completed its $2.2 billion acquisition of Holiday Inns Thursday and said the motel chain's headquarters would be established in Atlanta.
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