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 co-manager 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Another bear on gold is August Arace, co-manager of the Freedom Gold & Government Trust, an open-end mutual fund.
    2. "We did the same thing in the quarter as we've done for years," says Mr. Puff, the fund's co-manager.
    3. Mr. Rayner, a senior vice president in the international department, soon will become co-manager of the Los Angeles office while retaining some international responsibilities.
    4. August Arace, co-manager of the Freedom Gold & Government Trust, said the tumble in precious metals was triggered by the European Community's plan, approved Wednesday, to create a central bank and currency.
    5. Since then, though, she has built up a 12-member fixed-income team, including a co-manager of bond investing with her, Ravi Akhoury.
    6. Mr. Maher, formerly First Boston's co-manager of mergers and acquisitions, said he spent much of yesterday assuring employees and clients that First Boston remains committed to a strong mergers department.
    7. By what fantastic logic do regulation's most ardent proponents conclude that this average examiner can be an economically efficient co-manager of a Citicorp?
    8. Hiring a replacement for money fund co-manager Jay Mueller "took time away from what we do best, which is managing money." Mr. Strong, for his part, makes no apologies for his turnaround strategy.
    9. "It was a difficult morning for the street," said John Costas, co-manager of trading at First Boston Corp.
    10. Norwest Investor Services Inc. is co-manager.
    11. "It seems to me that this is the pin that has finally pricked the balloon," says Mr. Rogers, a professor of finance at Columbia University and former co-manager of one of the most successful hedge funds in history, Quantum Fund.
    12. In Los Angeles those promoted were Andrew E. Haas, retail office co-manager; William Powers, fixed income sales management; and Anthony P. Skvarla, retail office co-manager.
    13. In Los Angeles those promoted were Andrew E. Haas, retail office co-manager; William Powers, fixed income sales management; and Anthony P. Skvarla, retail office co-manager.
    14. "We made a mistake by making too substantial a position in one stock," says Lawrence Auriana, fund co-manager.
    15. Chris Carroll, owner of Spring Creek Barbecue in Arlington, has filed a lawsuit against Londell Fisher, co-manager of the nearby Stage Coach Bar-B-Que.
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