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 co-op ['kəuɔp, kəu'ɔp添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 合作, 协作, 互助, 协助, 合作团体, 合作商店, 合作农场, 合作公司, 合作社

  1. He does all his shopping at the Co-op.
  2. He does all his shopping at the Co-op.
  3. So Please include Co-op mode in a patch or update.

[ noun ]
a jointly owned commercial enterprise (usually organized by farmers or consumers) that produces and distributes goods and services and is run for the benefit of its owners

co-op \co"-op\ (k[=o]"[o^]p), n. [ contraction of co-operative
a commercial enterprise run for the benefit of its owners.

Syn: cooperative, coop.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. But she warns of many reproductions and modern bottles that won't appreciate: "If you're just starting in this, buyer beware." FREDDIE MAC'S BACK to help bail out a New York co-op.
  2. The co-op corporation would liquidate and exchange direct title to a unit for a holder's stock; no other changes in the status quo would occur.
  3. But he predicted that co-op boards would be willing to pay more for improved services under future contracts.
  4. Meanwhile, Borden can leverage the co-op's $400 million in sales, a strategy with which Borden has had success in the past."
  5. Juicy blackberries fashioned into an aperitif, almost white wine, style at the Redondo co-op in southern Portugal.
  6. Most of their crude petroleum came from domestic sources, although the refineries received only 12 percent of their raw materials from co-op sources.
  7. A horticulturist, she wants to purchase an apartment with a greenhouse and reasons that having another name on the lease will persuade the co-op board to let her in.
  8. A wider role for kolkhozes and co-op ventures should help the country become self-sufficient in foodstuffs, Gorbachev said.
  9. Father Silva was running a school when the first electric co-op came to Dumanjug in 1972.
  10. But it never offered to give up the shares, according to Mr. Saft, who represents the two co-op boards.
  11. The bid was accepted, and the co-op board approved.
  12. Although elimination of middlemen will mean better prices for co-op members, Yang said, prices will generally be pegged to those in state stores but that holding the line on price rises will be tough.
  13. I'd like someday to be able to travel over there like you would do here and go to a co-op or some kind of organization that would have goods available.
  14. Michelle Schaffer, who graduated last month, spent one of her co-op terms as an assistant to a federal appeals court judge.
  15. The claim alleges the co-op was defrauded on cost and schedule projections for the Seabrook plant, on which it based its decision to buy 2.2 percent of the plant.
  16. A big house with two-story cathedral ceilings and a veranda where, his wife Jan says, "it's fun to sit and see the crops coming up and the migrants working out there." Similarly rewarded are 330 other co-op shareholders.
  17. The co-op plans to produce 28 crops in a year-round rotation; plans also include more families joining and establishing their own farms.
  18. He seemed to want special concessions in terms of not requiring him to pay the up-front costs," says W.R. "Dick" Fleming, the co-op's executive vice president.
  19. Another late amendment, offered by Sen. David Boren (D., Okla.), would give tax relief to farmer cooperatives generally, but a major beneficiary would be the Farmland Industries co-op.
  20. He started the business with nine workers and $21. Today there are 115 co-op members and employees, and the business has $543,000 in property.
  21. President Bush is jeopardizing the quality of life in rural America by following the "failed ideological policies" of his predecessor, says co-op leader and former agriculture secretary Bob Bergland.
  22. To remedy the problem, the co-op rented large 40-foot boats and brought back enough stones for a season.
  23. His hard-charging field sales organization had to sell the idea of national distribution and co-op advertising.
  24. "We were looking for an event to cheer up our members." So, despite the co-op's strong opposition to rice imports, it helped finance a local performance earlier this month.
  25. He contends that the opposition to co-op aid is really ideological but has been disguised as concern about the budget deficit.
  26. Bord Bainne, the dairy marketing co-op, owns the Kerrygold brand and has itself made acquisitions in continental Europe and the US.
  27. From the beginning, Mr. Holt peddled his service as something of an ad agency co-op that can wrangle lower commercial rates from TV and radio networks and stations because of the sheer volume of time it buys.
  28. The co-op system was started in the 1930s and used federal loans from the Rural Electrification Administration, or REA, to put electricity on the nation's farms.
  29. A co-op, he said, would market their catches and help with their business affairs.
  30. But the Starks are relieved that after more than six months on the market, their old co-op has suddenly attracted a couple of serious prospective buyers.
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