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 co-operating 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. For example, he is co-operating with CVC Capital Partners - the European venture capital arm of Citicorp - on undefined plans to rescue GFT, another troubled Italian supplier of Armani clothes, and prop up Simint.
    2. The magistrates have hinted that the present line of inquiry is the most serious so far. Almost 20 members of the Guardia di Finanza are under arrest and co-operating with investigators.
    3. Those co-operating with magistrates have reportedly said there was an organised system of payments that enabled companies to enjoy low tax assessments and square their public balance sheets with their 'real' accounts.
    4. At the lower end growers will almost certainly have made a thumping loss, even with the EC cash. But profitability also depends on the contract each co-operating group has with its processor.
    5. They were already co-operating in areas such as purchasing, quality, research and marketing policies.
    6. The companies are known to have been discussing co-operating in manufacturing, but recent speculation suggests they may be contemplating a full merger. German machine tool companies have traditionally considered that a step too far.
    7. The troubling question, however, is whether Mr Clinton, co-operating with a Democratic Congress, would resist the temptation to pay for this investment with another surge in federal borrowing.
    8. An emergency weekend meeting of the Council stated the 'complete unacceptability' of Iraq's threat to cease co-operating with the UN over implementation of Gulf war ceasefire resolutions.
    9. Since the beginning of September, Gigabell has been co-operating with I:FAO AG, the leading provider of internet travel services.
    10. Four other western companies, Amoco, Texaco and Exxon from the US, and Norsk Hydro from Norway, have also been co-operating on developing reserves in the the same Nenets region while Shell and Saga are also aiming to develop other fields nearby.
    11. Fiat was forced to overturn its policy of not co-operating with the magistrates investigating political corruption.
    12. Ostensibly, Serbia has now changed sides, backed the Vance-Owen peace plan and declared its intention to put pressure on the Serbs in Bosnia, by co-operating in the imposition of international sanctions.
    13. At present many chambers give contracts to Tecs to provide training. Chambers, which are private bodies, and Tecs are already co-operating in the new Business Links outlets which deliver services to small businesses.
    14. Former Mafia members now co-operating with the authorities under witness protection allege that Mr Andreotti provided political cover for Cosa Nostra and that several of his key political lieutenants in Sicily were members of the Mafia.
    15. The evidence is based on confessions from pentiti - former Mafiosi co-operating with the judicial system under plea bargaining programmes.
    16. A Clinton presidency would make a big immediate difference because a Democratic White House, co-operating with a Democratic Congress, could actually do something.
    17. Observers wonder if Dortmund is likely to change suppliers after 20 years of co-operating with VEW - and if Elektromark still be around in 20 years, in any case.
    18. It is co-operating with Bird Group, one of Europe's largest materials reclamation and recycling concerns, on dismantling and recycling trials at Bird's headquarters near Stratford-upon-Avon.
    19. One result of this move was that Soffex last summer dropped its plans for co-operating with other European futures exchanges.
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