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 clarify ['klærifai]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vi. 澄清, 阐明

vt. 使明晰

[医] 使澄清

  1. The teacher's explanation clarify the puzzling problem.
  2. I hope that what I say will clarify the situation.
  3. Material used to clarify or explain.


Clarify \Clar"i*fy\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Clarified}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Clarifying}.] [F. clarifier, from L. clarificare;
clarus clear + facere to make. See {Clear}, and {Fact}.]
1. To make clear or bright by freeing from feculent matter;
to defecate; to fine; -- said of liquids, as wine or
sirup. ``Boiled and clarified.'' --Ure.

2. To make clear; to free from obscurities; to brighten or

To clarify his reason, and to rectify his will.

3. To glorify. [Obs.]

Fadir, clarifie thi name. --Wyclif (John
ii. 28).

Clarify \Clar"i*fy\, v. i.
1. To grow or become clear or transparent; to become free
from feculent impurities, as wine or other liquid under

2. To grow clear or bright; to clear up.

Whosoever hath his mind fraught with many thoughts,
his wits and understanding do clarify and break up
in the discoursing with another. --Bacon.

  1. The new rules, which were put into effect two weeks ago without any public announcement, are supposed to clarify what that license allows.
  2. When the nation's highest court agreed in October to hear Selvage's appeal, it was expected to use the case to clarify the scope and retroactive effects of a decision announced last July.
  3. A spokeswoman for Lujan said no one was available Wednesday to clarify the report.
  4. In a letter dated yesterday to Big Board President Robert Birnbaum, the SEC also asked the exchange to clarify the responsibility of its member firms to submit all existing market-on-close orders in 50 designated securities by 3:30 p.m. next Friday.
  5. The IRS issued guidelines to clarify when certain engineers and computer specialists are considered under the new tax law to be independent contractors rather than employees.
  6. He called for enactment of campaign finance legislation already approved by the Senate Commerce Committee, which is designed to clarify the existing law so as to ensure that candidates pay no more than commercial advertisers.
  7. The plan calls for setting up a coordination committee with republics to ensure that the program is carried out, but doesn't clarify how the bans would be imposed.
  8. They want the FCC to clarify its position and to permit the security interests.
  9. The House bill and its Senate counterpart would clarify that resale price maintenance is always illegal.
  10. Lantos has said he wants to give Pierce an opportunity to clarify testimony that has been contradicted by other witnesses.
  11. State Department spokeswoman Margaret Tutwiler said in Washington the administration is making inquiries of Cuba to clarify the situation.
  12. Continental aknowledged it had received a proposal to merge with Pirelli's tire business but did not clarify its position on Pirelli's bid for control of the operations.
  13. The well-intentioned creators of FASB 87 sought only to clarify pension accounting.
  14. The initiative seeks to clarify Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir's plan for elections in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip to choose representatives to negotiate limited autonomy for the territories.
  15. As a result Syndicate 298, which was a player in the aviation reinsurance market, can clarify its liabilities. Claims have also arisen from legal action by Names against their agents at Lloyd's.
  16. Said it will try to clarify what authority police have to pursue and detain people who run away after seeing police.
  17. We're glad to clarify this matter.
  18. He said the telephone company has been asked to clarify the directory listing and that the group is also planning to move to another city.
  19. BUTTE, Mont. (AP) - A judge says he'll write to Sports Illustrated to clarify what he meant when he barred Evel Knievel from testifying as an expert witness in a lawsuit over a motorcycle crash.
  20. Spokeswoman Gill Marcus said the group has "taken note of the points raised" by de Klerk and would clarify its position on various issues if the government so desired.
  21. In a letter to the CDC, hospital officials outline numerous questions it asked the CDC to clarify.
  22. At the time, Rep. Boner urged the House panel to continue its inquiry in order to clarify rules on the use of campaign funds.
  23. Sir, I would like to clarify Raymond Snoddy's piece referring to World Business Today, the daily business programme broadcast on CNN International (October 9).
  24. But when Texaco asked the trial judge to clarify the terms of the "standstill," he refused even to schedule a meeting on the matter.
  25. Marc Stepp, a UAW vice president who is head of the AMC department, said preliminary discussions to clarify differences started yesterday.
  26. Ahmad, who holds no official position in the government but wields considerable influence as the late Khomeini's only surviving son, on Wednesday urged the government to clarify its policy toward the West.
  27. 'But in the 1980s, we were the takeover capital of Europe and that's not constructive.' She then agrees that, unless Labour can clarify its position on public interest in mergers, 'that would be as counterproductive as what we had in the 1980s'.
  28. "If the law is not clear enough, it (the government) must present Parliament with legislation that would clarify the situation," he said.
  29. To get there from here, however, it will be up to gays to clarify for the public what bigots have deliberately obscured: that we are not fighting merely for the right to look different or to have as many one-minute stands as we can possibly line up.
  30. The independent regulatory agency is under federal court order to clarify its vague rules on soft money, which is banned in federal elections but permitted in state and local contests.
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