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 clarion ['klæriәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 尖音号角

a. 清澈响亮的

  1. Sleeps unaware of the clarion call.
  2. The upper clarion register is the most difficult for circular breathing.
  3. At that time, this kind of design of French and Italian is famous in the world, then blowing the clarion to back to classicality.

[ noun ]
  1. a medieval brass instrument with a clear shrill tone

  2. <noun.artifact>
[ verb ]
  1. blow the clarion

  2. <verb.creation>
  3. proclaim on, or as if on, a clarion

  4. <verb.communication>
[ adj ]
  1. loud and clear

  2. <adj.all>
    a clarion call

Clarion \Clar"i*on\, n. [OE. clarioun, OF. clarion, F. clairon,
LL. clario, claro; so called from its clear tone, fr. L.
clarus clear. See {Clear}.]
A kind of trumpet, whose note is clear and shrill.

He sounds his imperial clarion along the whole line of
battle. --E. Everett.

  1. Last week, when Lady Thatcher came out with her clarion call for the latter measure, British ministers dismissed it as 'emotional nonsense'.
  2. Inside the hotel, however, she feels protected by the presence of UN troops who are billeted there. The RPF victory has sounded the clarion call for the Tutsi diaspora to return home.
  3. While Hilliard said Newton's violent death should be used as a "clarion call" to solve national problems with drugs and alcohol, many of the mourners remembered Newton as a hero of the bold and belligerent black pride movement.
  4. Art becomes "a kind of martial music, a clarion call accompanying troops in the trenches.
  5. A well-chosen cast, headed by Jan Blinkhof as a Filka Morozov of raw power, Kim Begley a clarion Skuratov and Russell Smythe an impassioned Shishkov, seemed locked in the opera's claustrophobic ambience of prison violence.
  6. "No member of that generation can ever forget the clarion call that Pearl Harbor represented," the president said. "Things changed instantly.
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