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 clarinet [klæri'net]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 竖笛, 单簧管, 黑管

  1. The clarinet is invented in Nuremberg, Germany.
  2. Critics also praised his playing of the clarinet.
  3. Search the emotion of the sky, follow a Clarinet to fly!

[ noun ]
a single-reed instrument with a straight tube

Clarinet \Clar"i*net`\, n. [F. clarinette, dim. of clarine, from
L. clarus. See {Clear}, and cf. {Clarion}.] (Mus.)
A wind instrument, blown by a single reed, of richer and
fuller tone than the oboe, which has a double reed. It is the
leading instrument in a military band.

Note: [Often improperly called {clarionet}.]

  1. Of particular enduring interest is the clarinet playing of tenor saxophonist Lester Young.
  2. Opening with a gentle flurry of notes from the clarinet which is echoed first by Swallow and then by Bley, Giuffre barely leads this dreamy ensemble, with a sound which gives the impression of a reed wrapped in muslin.
  3. Hakim trained in piano, clarinet and composition at the Manhattan School of Music, and studied at the New School of Social Research, both in New York City.
  4. It is an unremarkable piece, decking out a thoroughly traditional framework with modish clarinet effects, but the performance was memorable for the solo playing of Kari Kriikku, extraordinary in its seamless fluency, range of colour and virtuoso elan.
  5. Debussy's Sonata for Cello and Piano was sweetly pensive; Schumann's three "Fantasy Pieces" (Opus 73) for clarinet and piano (published as suitable for violin or cello as well) had a truly remarkable intensity.
  6. For example, the mouthpiece on his Austrian-made, Hammerschmidt clarinet is longer and narrower than those on the Buffet-Crampon instruments most American clarinetists favor, and there is less space between the reed and the mouthpiece.
  7. This compact disc exhibits the bulk of the latter's chamber works for winds: the big-boned sextet; sometimes similar sounding sonatas for clarinet, flute and oboe; and the captivating trio for oboe, bassoon and piano.
  8. A six-piece band, with a marvelous lead clarinet, played klezmer-style folk tunes.
  9. These days, it's very trendy to play the latter on a modern version of the 18th-century basset clarinet, whose range extends four semitones lower than the standard instrument.
  10. One advantage of appointing a clarinet player as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board is that he may be able to better orchestrate the different parts of American economic policy.
  11. He is unquestionably one of the great clarinet players, known for his ability to play incredibly softly, his smooth articulation, his technique.
  12. An honor student, she plays clarinet in a high school band, serves on the student council and the cheerleader squad and participates in a school district program for gifted teens.
  13. About the size of a half-dollar with part cut away, the mouth call is a reed instrument, like a clarinet or saxophone.
  14. What made the evening even more exciting were the innovative arrangements by John Dankworth, who also led a six-piece band and played clarinet and saxophone.
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