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 cha-cha ['tʃɑ'tʃɑ添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (一种源自拉美的)三拍子舞厅舞

vi. 跳三拍子舞厅舞

  1. Why is it that when passions are inflamed we choose to argue and fight, when dancing the cha-cha is less injurious, far more enjoyable, and equally effective in resolving the tension?

[ noun ]
  1. a modern ballroom dance from Latin America; small steps and swaying movements of the hips

  2. <noun.act>
[ verb ]
  1. dance the cha-cha

  2. <verb.motion>

cha-cha \cha-cha\ n.
a modern ballroom dance from Latin America; it uses two slow
steps followed by three quick small steps, with swaying
movements of the hips, and has many variations of movements
based on that rhythm.

Syn: cha-cha.
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]

  1. "If you can cha-cha, you can polka," Bob Hope gushed to a Hollywood columnist.
  2. Frank "Killer Joe" Piro, the dancer who taught high society everything from the cha-cha to the hully-gully, has died of kidney disease at age 68.
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