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 chack 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 制动器;定盘;轧辊轴承
n. (Chack)人名;(法)沙克

  1. Unfortunately you have to pay the fine before you chack those book out.
  2. Run CHKDSK /F to chack for hard drive corruption, and then restart your computer.
    运转CHKDSK / F来修复硬盘错误,然后重新启动计算机。
  3. MILLENNIUM CHACK is less flammable and less toxic than its predecessors eliminating the need for warning labels, thus, allowing you to carry it onboard an airplane.
    与它的前辈们相比,MILLENNIUM CHACK不易燃,毒性小,以至于不需要贴上警告标签,因此,你可以携带它乘坐飞机。

Chack \Chack\ (ch[a^]k), v. i.
To toss up the head frequently, as a horse to avoid the
restraint of the bridle.

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