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 Chad [tʃæd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 乍得

[计] 孔屑

  1. Chad, what a lucky guy you are!
  2. Chad became an independent Republic.
  3. Off-screen, Swank and actor Chad Lowe got married in1997.

[ noun ]
  1. a small piece of paper that is supposed to be removed when a hole is punched in a card or paper tape

  2. <noun.substance>
  3. a lake in north central Africa; fed by the Shari river

  4. <noun.object>
  5. a landlocked desert republic in north-central Africa; was under French control until 1960

  6. <noun.location>
  7. a family of Afroasiatic tonal languages (mostly two tones) spoken in the regions west and south of Lake Chad in north central Africa

  8. <noun.communication>

Chad \Chad\, n.
See {Shad}. [Obs.]

Shad \Shad\ (sh[a^]d), n. sing. & pl. [AS. sceadda a kind of
fish, akin to Prov. G. schade; cf. Ir. & Gael. sgadan a
herring, W. ysgadan herrings; all perhaps akin to E. skate a
fish.] (Zo["o]l.)
Any one of several species of food fishes of the Herring
family. The American species ({Alosa sapidissima} formerly
{Clupea sapidissima}), which is abundant on the Atlantic
coast and ascends the larger rivers in spring to spawn, is an
important market fish. The European allice shad, or alose
({Alosa alosa} formerly {Clupea alosa}), and the twaite shad
({Alosa finta} formerly {Clupea finta}), are less important
species. [Written also {chad}.]

Note: The name is loosely applied, also, to several other
fishes, as the gizzard shad (see under {Gizzard}),
called also {mud shad}, {white-eyed shad}, and {winter

{Hardboaded shad}, or {Yellow-tailed shad}, the menhaden.

{Hickory shad}, or {Tailor shad}, the {mattowacca}.

{Long-boned shad}, one of several species of important food
fishes of the Bermudas and the West Indies, of the genus

{Shad bush} (Bot.), a name given to the North American shrubs
or small trees of the rosaceous genus {Amelanchier} ({A.
Canadensis}, and {A. alnifolia}) Their white racemose
blossoms open in April or May, when the shad appear, and
the edible berries (pomes) ripen in June or July, whence
they are called Juneberries. The plant is also called
{service tree}, and {Juneberry}.

{Shad frog}, an American spotted frog ({Rana halecina}); --
so called because it usually appears at the time when the
shad begin to run in the rivers.

{Trout shad}, the squeteague.

{White shad}, the common shad.

  1. Libya was accused of using chemical weapons in a war against Chad.
  2. UTA said contact was lost with Flight 772 less than an hour after it took off from N'Djamena, Chad, on Tuesday afternoon after a stopover on a flight that originated in Brazzaville, capital of the Congo.
  3. French officials sought to play down escalated fighting between Libyan forces and French-backed government troops in Chad.
  4. His big brother Chad, doing what his parents had always taught him to do, attempted to save him.
  5. Chad said one of the men asked how much money the boys had and then said, "I want it," Self said.
  6. President Bush will nominate as a replacement Terence Todman, a former assistant secretary of state for inter-American affairs and ambassador to Chad, Costa Rica and Spain, La Nacion reported.
  7. Chad is his daddy made over, my helper, everybody's helper, such a good student.
  8. A National Front spokesman known by the nom de guerre Abu el-Nour said the man was a prisoner of war in Chad before his defection.
  9. His brother, Chad M. Parker, 11, was reported in stable condition early today at St. Francis Medical Center.
  10. The deposed leader of Chad, Hissene Habre, was killed while trying to flee his country and the rebel forces that brought down his government, the Libyan news agency reported Sunday.
  11. Martin said officials of Chad revoked the workers' passports, but said they were allowed free movement in the Marriott Hotel in the capital of N'Djamena and the surrounding area.
  12. If convicted of homicide, Chad Goetsch faces a mandatory sentence of life in prison.
  13. Is it the United States, Chad, Japan, or Brazil? Percentage answering correctly _ 33.
  14. Three Lockheed engineers detained in the North African country of Chad for 20 days have returned home to Georgia, the company said.
  15. Since 1982 when Habre defeated rival armed factions and declared himself head of state, much of Chad's foreign aid has been in grants or nearly interest-free loans.
  16. Libya continues to occupy the strip, which it contends was ceded by France to Italy in 1941 before Chad and Libya became independent.
  17. But in Ethiopia and Chad, only one child in four gets to attend school.
  18. The lawyers, Jacques Verges and Antoine Comte, also told reporters that their client had nothing to do with last week's crash of a French airliner en route from N'Djamena, Chad, to Paris.
  19. France will withdraw its troops from Chad now that government forces there have crushed an invasion by rebels loyal to deposed President Habre, French Foreign Minister Dumas said.
  20. Chad is believed to hold about 2,000 Libyan soldiers captured during years of fighting in northern Chad.
  21. Chad is believed to hold about 2,000 Libyan soldiers captured during years of fighting in northern Chad.
  22. When the bottom dropped out of the world cotton market four years ago, Chad, the largest producer of cotton in west and central Africa, lost nearly half its normal foreign currency revenue.
  23. Alingue Bawayeu, president of Chad's National Assembly and apparently the highest-ranking government official left in N'Djamena, appealed for calm in an address on Radio Chad.
  24. Alingue Bawayeu, president of Chad's National Assembly and apparently the highest-ranking government official left in N'Djamena, appealed for calm in an address on Radio Chad.
  25. In 1987, Libya was accused of using lethal gas in Chad and Vietnam was charged with poisoning water supplies in Cambodia and the institute's yearbook said chemical weapons were used in the Iran-Iraq war.
  26. "Chad will pursue a policy of good neighborliness and non-interference with its neighbors," Deby said.
  27. Since becoming independent in 1960, Chad has often been torn apart by fighting between north and south, between different tribes and political factions and between Libyan-backed rebels and government forces.
  28. Burke said police also were looking into how the boys came to have the guns, which belonged to Chad's father and were licensed.
  29. Police are examining the plane's passenger list for suspects, concentrating on nine people who got off in the Chad capital, N'Djamena, the plane's last stop before it exploded over the desert in eastern Niger.
  30. Thomas Burke. "Guns should be stored in a locked place, with ammunition kept in a separate locked place." Chad MacDonald died Sunday, a day after the shooting at his home.
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