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 boomer ['bu:mə]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 往来无定的临时工

  1. A baby boomer.
  2. Boomer v. Atlantic Cement Co., involved a classic common law nuisance.
  3. One major reason is the tight bond between Baby Boomer parents and their children.

[ noun ]
a member of the baby boom generation in the 1950s
they expanded the schools for a generation of baby boomers

Boomer \Boom"er\, n.
1. One who, or that which, booms.

2. (Zo["o]l.) A North American rodent, so named because it is
said to make a booming noise. See {Sewellel}.

3. (Zo["o]l.) A large male kangaroo.

4. One who works up a ``boom''. [Slang, U. S.]

Sewellel \Se*wel"lel\, n. [Of American Indian origin.]
A peculiar gregarious burrowing rodent ({Haplodon rufus}),
native of the coast region of the Northwestern United States.
It somewhat resembles a muskrat or marmot, but has only a
rudimentary tail. Its head is broad, its eyes are small and
its fur is brownish above, gray beneath. It constitutes the
family {Haplodontid[ae]}. Called also {boomer}, {showt'l},
and {mountain beaver}.

  1. "I'm a baby boomer.
  2. "This is our cut at the aging baby boomer," Mr. Meigher said.
  3. As a 44-year-old baby boomer himself, Mr. Kaminsky adds, "I can really understand why people my age think George Foreman is the neatest thing in the world.
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