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 boomerang ['bumə`ræŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 回飞镖, 飞去归来器

  1. His attempt to discredit his opponent boomeranged (on him) when he was charged with libel.
    他企图败坏对手名声反而自食其果, 被控以诽谤罪.
  2. What a boomerang it is!
  3. Boomerang Nebula- the coolest place in the Universe?

[ noun ]
  1. a curved piece of wood; when properly thrown will return to thrower

  2. <noun.artifact>
  3. a miscalculation that recoils on its maker

  4. <noun.act>
[ verb ]
  1. return to the initial position from where it came; like a boomerang

  2. <verb.motion>

Boomerang \Boom"er*ang\, n.
A very singular missile weapon used by the natives of
Australia and in some parts of India. It is usually a curved
stick of hard wood, from twenty to thirty inches in length,
from two to three inches wide, and half or three quarters of
an inch thick. When thrown from the hand with a quick rotary
motion, it describes very remarkable curves, according to the
shape of the instrument and the manner of throwing it, often
moving nearly horizontally a long distance, then curving
upward to a considerable height, and finally taking a
retrograde direction, so as to fall near the place from which
it was thrown, or even far in the rear of it.

  1. That $600 toilet seat is beginning to resemble a boomerang.
  2. Ironically, the financial news that fills newspaper business pages has had a boomerang effect, striking the messengers in the pocketbook.
  3. The boomerang team is trying to raise the $12,000 the U.S. boomerang team needs to go to Australia for the World Cup of Boomerang Competition May 6-15 in Barooga, New South Wales.
  4. The boomerang team is trying to raise the $12,000 the U.S. boomerang team needs to go to Australia for the World Cup of Boomerang Competition May 6-15 in Barooga, New South Wales.
  5. In fact, any signal that the State Department prefers him to Shamir could boomerang.
  6. Qassem Ali, a journalist from Gaza who was also in the prison, predicted such treatment of influential community leaders would boomerang on Israel.
  7. One big hit: the "boomerang" pattern Formica on the bathroom vanities at the Village Inn of Dearborn, one of two 1950s budget motels that are "of special note to commercial archaeologists," according to conference literature.
  8. The last thing these companies expected was an ecological boomerang from a product that has earned enormous profits and is still considered one of the most successful innovations ever created.
  9. Raising prices instead of increasing borrowing could boomerang.
  10. "But they failed to look far enough ahead to see that this would boomerang."
  11. A Frenchman achieved 801 consecutive catches with a boomerang.
  12. Dukakis sought to turn Bush's Pledge of Allegiance issue into a boomerang, taunting his rival for flag-waving.
  13. Only two weeks ago in Houston, Baker advised Shevardnadze that heavy-handed treatment of restive nationalities and economic profiteers could boomerang against the aid the administration had decided to give the Soviets.
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