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 booming ['bumɪŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 急速发展的

[经] 暴涨的, 大受欢迎的

  1. Market booming sizable quantity report exchange hand at vary price15.5to16.25 corresponding7% to12% rise
  2. The opera singer has a deep, booming, masculine voice.
  3. Technology is a booming sector of the economy.

[ adj ]
  1. very lively and profitable

  2. <adj.all>
    flourishing businesses
    a palmy time for stockbrokers
    a prosperous new business
    doing a roaring trade
    a thriving tourist center
    did a thriving business in orchids
  3. used of the voice

  4. <adj.all>

Boom \Boom\ (b[=oo]m), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Boomed}, p. pr. &
vb. n. {Booming}.] [Of imitative origin; cf. OE. bommen to
hum, D. bommen to drum, sound as an empty barrel, also W.
bwmp a hollow sound; aderyn y bwmp, the bird of the hollow
sound, i. e., the bittern. Cf. {Bum}, {Bump}, v. i., {Bomb},
v. i.]
1. To cry with a hollow note; to make a hollow sound, as the
bittern, and some insects.

At eve the beetle boometh
Athwart the thicket lone. --Tennyson.

2. To make a hollow sound, as of waves or cannon.

Alarm guns booming through the night air. --W.

3. To rush with violence and noise, as a ship under a press
of sail, before a free wind.

She comes booming down before it. --Totten.

4. To have a rapid growth in market value or in popular
favor; to go on rushingly.

Booming \Boom"ing\, a.
1. Rushing with violence; swelling with a hollow sound;
making a hollow sound or note; roaring; resounding.

O'er the sea-beat ships the booming waters roar.

2. Advancing or increasing amid noisy excitement; as, booming
prices; booming popularity. [Colloq. U. S.]

Booming \Boom"ing\, n.
The act of producing a hollow or roaring sound; a violent
rushing with heavy roar; as, the booming of the sea; a deep,
hollow sound; as, the booming of bitterns. --Howitt.

Hushing \Hush"ing\, n. (Mining)
The process of washing ore, or of uncovering mineral veins,
by a heavy discharge of water from a reservoir; flushing; --
also called {booming} and {hydraulic mining}.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

  1. Milken widely is regarded as the most important American financier since J.P. Morgan Jr. in the early 1900s and he came to symbolize the bounty and excesses of a booming Wall Street.
  2. Business is booming, you might say, because along America's Nuclear Highway, Interstate 25, the local customers are not your average computer or stereo shops.
  3. WITH attractions that range from the sandy beaches of Lake Tanganyika to the Luangwa game parks, the Victoria Falls, Lake Kariba and the magnificent Zambezi River, tourism in Zambia should be booming. In fact, the potential has barely been tapped.
  4. Japan's booming industry of English-language schools racked up estimated sales of three trillion yen ($24.2 billion) last year.
  5. Pfizer's top management is focusing the bulk of efforts to support its pharmaceutical operations, which have been booming in recent months due in part to sales of several new prescription medicines.
  6. That makes him hot property in a part of the country where a booming economy and low unemployment have forced up wages and created a severe labor shortage for the dairy farmer.
  7. Even by last spring, however, the booming demand for convertibles from individual investors, mainly through mutual funds, and increased institutional buying had pushed prices to levels professionals considered too high.
  8. And if it expands into booming areas, there's lots of potential for attendance growth.
  9. The gain was credited to extraordinary income derived from sales of securities, cost-reduction measures and booming sales, which rose to 102.01 billion yen from 79.78 billion yen.
  10. Traders and analysts said the booming stock market continues to draw players from the metals rings.
  11. California and New Jersey, both with booming economies, are among the handful of states expecting to end the next fiscal year with large balances.
  12. On the plus side, the song "Fearless" features the booming voice of Linda Ronstadt, with whom Aaron Neville had the huge 1989 hit "Don't Know Much." Ronstadt produced Aaron's forthcoming, much-awaited solo album.
  13. Tenneco's other business segments are demonstrating growth and improved profit at rates ranging from modest to booming, Ketelsen said.
  14. Sadly, however, by opening night Mr. Bogachev's performance had deteriorated into that of a booming, arm-slinging terror, chewing gum as if his jaws were pistons.
  15. THE CHECKOFF: War could keep Lima, Ohio, booming: A World War II Sherman tank plant has been producing M-1 tanks now deployed in the Persian Gulf.
  16. 'The real cause is much more the structural problems of the entire sector, which are now being openly exposed by the recession. 'We have to accept that in the eight years of booming sales we did not do our homework.
  17. Asked how he felt, he replied, "Fine," in a vigorous, booming voice.
  18. But Mr. Benton noted that the company tries to keep its net profit margins at 5% to 6%, rather than let earnings grow with its booming revenue, as part of its strategy to keep upstart computer makers from chipping away at its business.
  19. Long-established companies or start-up entrepreneurs hoping to use booming markets to raise capital for future growth are being forced to reconsider.
  20. The bill touted Tuesday was designed to stem potential problems from the booming facsimile technology.
  21. Mr. Takeshita inherited a booming economy and issues on which spadework had already been done.
  22. A foreign passport is the most prized possession in the colony, and residents are sparing no effort to secure one. Marriage counselors report booming business from people desperately seeking foreign national spouses.
  23. And they have spawned a booming coyote souvenir market, with offerings ranging from jewelry and clothing to large-scale wooden figures carved with chain saws.
  24. The Asian Development Bank, estimating that nearly a quarter of all Asians live in poverty despite the region's booming economic growth, is preparing to tackle the problem directly for the first time.
  25. The foundations, which are required by tax law to give away at least 5% of their assets, had large windfall profits in last year's booming stock market.
  26. Many economists trace the overcapacity back to the booming early 1970s, when many manufacturers saw tremendous growth in demand ahead and expanded accordingly.
  27. The first two department store groups are key players in the booming middle-class market.
  28. Changes to Australia's pension arrangements mean that institutionally-managed superannuation funds are booming.
  29. But sales are booming in some markets, thanks to lower interest rates.
  30. The lure of Japan's booming high-tech markets is prompting dozens of Western companies like Du Pont to put down research roots here.
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