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 assurance [ə'ʃʊrəns]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 保证, 把握, 信心, 保险

[经] 保证, 担保, 保险

  1. They were waiting with assurance for me to discover the truth for myself.
  2. Marked by assurance, as of success.
  3. He made an unctuous assurance.

[ noun ]
  1. freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities

  2. <noun.cognition>
    his assurance in his superiority did not make him popular
    after that failure he lost his confidence
    she spoke with authority
  3. a binding commitment to do or give or refrain from something

  4. <noun.communication>
    an assurance of help when needed
    signed a pledge never to reveal the secret
  5. a statement intended to inspire confidence

  6. <noun.communication>
    the President's assurances were not respected
  7. a British term for some kinds of insurance

  8. <noun.possession>

Assurance \As*sur"ance\, n. [OE. assuraunce, F. assurance, fr.
assurer. See {Assure}.]
1. The act of assuring; a declaration tending to inspire full
confidence; that which is designed to give confidence.

Whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in
that he hath raised him from the dead. --Acts xvii.

Assurances of support came pouring in daily.

2. The state of being assured; firm persuasion; full
confidence or trust; freedom from doubt; certainty.

Let us draw with a true heart in full assurance of
faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil
conscience. --Heb. x. 22.

3. Firmness of mind; undoubting, steadiness; intrepidity;
courage; confidence; self-reliance.

Brave men meet danger with assurance. --Knolles.

Conversation with the world will give them knowledge
and assurance. --Locke.

4. Excess of boldness; impudence; audacity; as, his assurance
is intolerable.

5. Betrothal; affiance. [Obs.] --Sir P. Sidney.

6. Insurance; a contract for the payment of a sum on occasion
of a certain event, as loss or death.

Note: Recently, assurance has been used, in England, in
relation to life contingencies, and insurance in
relation to other contingencies. It is called temporary
assurance, in the time within which the contingent
event must happen is limited. See {Insurance}.

7. (Law) Any written or other legal evidence of the
conveyance of property; a conveyance; a deed.

Note: In England, the legal evidences of the conveyance of
property are called the common assurances of the
kingdom. --Blackstone.

  1. The prospectus notes "there can be no assurance" that future growth will continue at past levels.
  2. He is also deputy chairman of the Clerical Medical & General life assurance society, as well as being a director of Monks Investment Trust and Macmillan.
  3. "No agreements, arrangements or undertakings concerning the terms or conditions of such transaction have been reached, and there can be no assurance that any agreement will be consummated," the company said.
  4. Noriega exercised power with ruthless assurance.
  5. Three mediators worked out an agreement with representatives of both sides that calls for a cease-fire, assurance that "there is no intention to liquidate the Lebanese Forces" and renunciation of the use of arms to resolve political differences.
  6. Investment fundamentals aside, the move into bonds 18 months ago was not unrelated to the declining free asset ratio of Norwich Union's main life assurance fund.
  7. Mr. Dole's assurance that he can "work with Congress" was not the message the voters wanted to hear.
  8. As previously reported, First City has lowered the redemption goal to 70%, but there still isn't any assurance the bailout can be completed, First City and its auditors warned in the document.
  9. Reporters for the two papers gave that assurance, but their editors ordered that Cohen's name be published.
  10. The company confirmed it would enter into negotiations with House of Fabrics, but it said there isn't any assurance an agreement will result.
  11. AXA, the insurance group, last month became the first French company to receive a green light to set up a life assurance business in Japan and promptly announced plans to invest Dollars 200m over the next seven years to develop its business there.
  12. Yesterday's deal was thought to have delivered a profit of more than Pounds 250,000 for Cazenove. Refuge Canada Holdings, a separate Canadian life assurance group, held the stake in Refuge Holdings for many years.
  13. Hope Muir has the qualities of bright assurance her role needs; Picone, a young Italian recruit to the company, promises marvels.
  14. The company's announcement Tuesday did not elaborate on how much it intended to raise the cash portion of the recapitalization but said there was no assurance that any change would be made in the existing proposal.
  15. You can pay up to 5 per cent of your contribution to a life assurance plan. It is possible to run more than one top-up personal pension plan, provided total contributions fall within the above limits.
  16. Gonsalves entered his plea as a jury was about to hear the case against him, quality assurance supervisor Cheryl Hannan and Northrop on charges related to the Harrier parts.
  17. General Development said company surveys have shown that the top priority among its home-site buyers is assurance that they will receive a deed to a developed home site.
  18. And in my view, one of his principal purposes, simply as a statesman, was to give assurance that this was not a proclamation of every right that should be the right of the free people."
  19. Western Publishing also said there are unresolved tax issues arising from any proposed combination of Western Publishing and Gulf & Western and, accordingly, there can be no assurance that the parties will reach an agreement.
  20. In addition, AIM said it is no longer in compliance with American Stock Exchange listing requirements and that it couldn't give any assurance that the listing would be continued.
  21. Sen. John Glenn, D-Ohio, said the agreement does not meet legal requirements and gives no assurance of effective non-proliferation safeguards.
  22. In the memo, Eye said there was no assurance clay seals in the pits were still watertight.
  23. It is a bold addition to the repertory, and, as I have mentioned, is danced with grand assurance by its cast.
  24. To friendly powers and international institutions, to which the Republic of Haiti is bound by treaties and agreements, I give formal assurance that all of Haiti's commitments will be respected.
  25. The authors suggest that some groups, such as employees, should be able to contract the auditors to provide assurance. These proposals contain several fundamental ideas.
  26. The Bank of Japan therefore needs unequivocal assurance from the U.S. Treasury, Fed and White House that a somewhat higher dollar is acceptable.
  27. Quality assurance and product warranty procedures and concepts are missing in internal software development.
  28. However, Mr. Harvey gave no assurance that a proposal would be made.
  29. In exchange, they received President Reagan's assurance that he wouldn't veto the measure.
  30. "The risks we are facing are serious," said Richard Starostecki, deputy assistant energy secretary for safety, health and quality assurance.
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