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 assuredly [ə'ʃʊrɪdlɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 确实地, 无疑地, 确信地

  1. He will be successful assuredly.
  2. I will come tomorrow assuredly.
  3. Assuredly he didn't mean that.

[ adv ]
without a doubt
the grammar schools were assuredly not intended for the gentry alone

Assuredly \As*sur"ed*ly\, adv.
Certainly; indubitably. ``The siege assuredly I'll raise.''

  1. "It most assuredly does influence performance," he said.
  2. But the work of the council would "most assuredly" not violate any sanctions policy, he added.
  3. One thing has assuredly not changed.
  4. And no governor has abused this discretionary power precisely because retaliation would assuredly follow.
  5. Whatever the outcome of this comprehensive examination, the policy prescriptions from such analyses are assuredly very different.
  6. A review of many of the nearly 200 opinions Souter authored reveals he is most assuredly a judicial conservative _ a judge who believes in sticking to the case at hand and shies away from making sweeping statements about the law.
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