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 assuming [ә'sju:miŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 傲慢的, 僭越的, 不逊的

  1. We can all leave together assuming (that) the others aren't late.
  2. Assuming it to be true, what should we do now?
  3. Assuming that it is true, what should we do now?

[ adj ]
excessively forward
an assumptive personon a subject like this it would be too assuming for me to decide
the duchess would not put up with presumptuous servants

Assume \As*sume"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Assumed}; p. pr. & vb.
n. {Assuming}.] [L. assumere; ad + sumere to take; sub +
emere to take, buy: cf. F. assumer. See {Redeem}.]
1. To take to or upon one's self; to take formally and
demonstratively; sometimes, to appropriate or take

Trembling they stand while Jove assumes the throne.

The god assumed his native form again. --Pope.

2. To take for granted, or without proof; to suppose as a
fact; to suppose or take arbitrarily or tentatively.

The consequences of assumed principles. --Whewell.

3. To pretend to possess; to take in appearance.

Ambition assuming the mask of religion. --Porteus.

Assume a virtue, if you have it not. --Shak.

4. To receive or adopt.

The sixth was a young knight of lesser renown and
lower rank, assumed into that honorable company.
--Sir W.

Syn: To arrogate; usurp; appropriate.

Assuming \As*sum"ing\, a.
Pretentious; taking much upon one's self; presumptuous.

  1. Krenz said he had moved into the "quiet East Berlin street" after assuming the party leadership from hard-liner Erich Honecker on Oct. 18.
  2. Cache said that assuming the confirmation isn't appealed, Saul partners should complete the acquisition on or about next Monday.
  3. Although the FT is a financial paper, it is still taking too much liberty in assuming that all of its readers are no more than financial zombies.
  4. Given the fact that some banks already have sold some of Brazil's debt in the secondary market at a discount, Mr. Bresser Pereira is no doubt correct in assuming that the market is ready for some form of compromise.
  5. D.S. Kennedy controls 1,287,030 common shares of Cleveland-Cliffs, assuming the conversion of some preferred stock that it holds.
  6. So I'm assuming that the Reagan foundation indeed is serious.
  7. "I don't know whether it's going to be next week or next month or sometime later, but the market is assuming that we're going to see a stunning upsurge in consumer spending," he said.
  8. The "pendulum has swung from one illogical _ indeed, ridiculous _ concept to another, from assuming Jewish generic involvement to arguing for no involvement at all," he writes in the April 9 issue of the evangelical fortnightly, Christianity Today.
  9. The debt Northwest is considering assuming includes aircraft-leasing and advertising bills and $40 million in debtor-in-possession financing owed to Continental Bank, Chicago.
  10. "People are assuming that we're going to get numbers that are positive for the economy," he says.
  11. Next year, Renaissance expects to match or increase its 1989 capital spending budget of C$92 million, assuming oil prices remain stable, he said.
  12. With Unilever's departing Sir Michael Angus assuming the CBI presidency next month, the CBI could argue it doesn't need another industrialist as director-general.
  13. "He won't appear at the Sunday concert, but we are assuming he will be traveling to Japan since he has not canceled out on that," spokeswoman Birgit Alter said Wednesday.
  14. Some Delchamps holders, including some who are parties to the holder accord, have told A&P that they would support combining the two companies "assuming acceptable terms can be agreed to by the parties involved," the letter said.
  15. It said the four planned to escape July 6, assuming that on the day of Mexico's national elections, security would be lax.
  16. Start by assuming that farm-equipment sales will bounce back moderately from recent depressed levels.
  17. Videotapes of a man accused of killing his daughter show him assuming the voices of "Satan," his dead grandmother and some other of the 10 personalities that a psychiatrist says he diagnosed.
  18. But whatever sense of triumph Noriega felt Tuesday after the defeat of a military uprising against him, most experts believe he is weaker now than at any time since assuming the command of the Defense Forces more than six years ago.
  19. One source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Baker, a former White House chief of staff, was not interested in assuming a major role at the firm if it meant presiding over a lengthy trial.
  20. That could enable Gorbachev to take an even firmer grip on power by assuming a stronger presidency while retaining the party leadership.
  21. The issue has an expected average life of 1.6 years, assuming monthly prepayments of 1.6% of the original balance.
  22. PowerGen has authority to buy up to 10 per cent of its own capital and the market is assuming that given its modest 15 per cent gearing it will make further purchases.
  23. He said United Student Aid is not asking for the 1% administrative fee from the government that agencies usually receive for assuming original guarantees.
  24. Sam A. Sarno Jr., 42-year-old president and chief operating officer, is temporarily assuming the duties of chief executive while a search is conducted for a successor to Mr. Hill, Seven Oaks said.
  25. After the offering, Super Valu will beneficially own about 48% of ShopKo's common stock outstanding, assuming the underwriters' 2.5 million share overallotment option isn't exercised.
  26. The two physicians, Michael Katz and Jerome Rosenthal, said in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission that their group controls the equivalent of 322,071 Medalist common shares, assuming conversion of certain debentures it holds.
  27. Average life of the notes is expected to be 3.6 years, assuming an average prepayment rate of 20%.
  28. Karol returns to Poland to rebuild his life and fortune - in shady real estate deals - after first faking death and assuming a new identity.
  29. Aside from the inherent dishonesty of blaming an imbalance on narrow breaches of accepted rules, it defies rational belief that retaliation would cure the imbalance, even assuming that a cure is needed.
  30. De Klerk has initiated a series of reforms of South Africa's system of racial segregation since assuming power in August.
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