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 Serbia ['sə:bjə]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    a historical region in central and northern Yugoslavia; Serbs settled the region in the 6th and 7th centuries

    1. No one knows how it will end in Kosovo, the former Yugoslav territory ruled by Serbia.
    2. The point is that if we use aircraft to bomb Serb artillery units on the hills around Sarajevo, we will be effectively declaring war on Serbia. Do we really want to do that?' he asked.
    3. Milosevic recently accused Vojvodina's leaders of hampering efforts to amend the Serbian constitution to give Serbia greater control over its two autonomous provinces.
    4. Fought Balkan wars in 1912-1913, increasing its territory over present-day Macedonia and Kosovo. Triggered World War I, and after the war it became part of the Kingdom of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia in 1918.
    5. It is simply a continuation of pressure from Belgrade.' The parliament in Knin is expected to approve today the holding of a referendum on the UN plan, which could break the deadlock between Krajina and Serbia.
    6. The Serbian leader's opponents suspect he is using the mass rallies to gain more national power for himself and for Serbia, the largest of Yugoslavia's six republics.
    7. Kosovo is a part of Serbia, the nation's largest republic, and had previously enjoyed a measure of autonomy.
    8. Serbia has claimed the post should go to its candidate since the largest of Yugoslavia's six republics has not had a premier in 22 years.
    9. Belgrade serves as both federal capital and Serbia's capital. Croatia says Serbia unfairly dominates federal authorities.
    10. Belgrade serves as both federal capital and Serbia's capital. Croatia says Serbia unfairly dominates federal authorities.
    11. Mr Milorad Unkovic, federal minister for foreign economic relations in the rump Yugoslavia, which comprises Serbia and Montenegro, said there was 'great danger with the approach of winter.
    12. The proposed change was approved by Serbia on Thursday, but the amendments must also be approved by the provincial assemblies.
    13. They plan to fly on to Belgrade for talks with the Serbian government and then to Zagreb, the Croatian capital. Lord Carrington said it appeared Serbia was trying to carve out a Serbian enclave in Bosnia.
    14. Croatia and Serbia have tried to carve up Bosnia,' he added. British officials said that the conference chairmen were not intending to establish pre-conditions for attending.
    15. Ethnic Albanians, who want free elections and a multiparty system, deny Serbia's charges.
    16. The federal leadership meanwhile said Monday that a clash between Slovenia and Serbia, two of its constituent republics, seriously threatens Yugoslav unity.
    17. The media had appealed to the Russian government to take its little brother Serbia under its protection.
    18. 'The people are not divided,' he says to a friend with a Yugoslav air force MiG 21 tatooed on his forearm. 'Television Serbia is lying when it says that Serbs are in favour of the peace plan.
    19. The sanctions put paid to that,' he said. Serbia has abundant hydroelectric supplies.
    20. The latest protests in Kosovo, which is part of the republic of Serbia, began last week after Kosovo's Parliament approved constitutional changes giving Serbia control of the provincial police, courts and civil defense.
    21. The latest protests in Kosovo, which is part of the republic of Serbia, began last week after Kosovo's Parliament approved constitutional changes giving Serbia control of the provincial police, courts and civil defense.
    22. Concern for Montenegrins in southern Serbia's troubled Kosovo province also has stirred passions.
    23. It has confiscated gas stations of the Croatia-based oil company doing business in Serbia.
    24. Croatian leaders claim the unrest has been orchestrated by the Communist-ruled republic of Serbia to destabilize democracy in Croatia and gain support for its hard-line policies.
    25. The weekend protests in Montenegro were the latest in almost daily rallies driven by hundreds of thousands of Serbs pressing for more control over Serbia's autonomous province of Kosovo.
    26. Serbia, the nation's largest republic, has repeatedly attempted to impose an informal economic boycott against Slovenia, which is the country's most developed region.
    27. In a statement, Mr Kinkel said Serbia's blockade was a 'positive development' which 'should be rewarded appropriately'.
    28. US officials said it would also require Serbia to make territorial concessions in eastern Bosnia.
    29. The constitutional change would give Serbia greater control over its two provinces, Kosovo and Vojvodina, and increase its powers over defense and state security.
    30. The ethnic Albanians have been seeking more autonomy since Serbia, the Yugoslav republic that administers Kosovo, last year imposed greater control over the province's police, judiciary and schools.
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