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 serenely [sə'ri:nli添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 安详地,宁静地,平静地

    [ adv ]
    in a peacefully serene manner
    I had the feeling that he was waiting, too--serenely patient

    Serenely \Se*rene"ly\, adv.
    1. In a serene manner; clearly.

    Now setting Ph[oe]bus shone serenely bright. --Pope.

    2. With unruffled temper; coolly; calmly. --Prior.

    1. "I wouldn't want to disappoint the governor," he says, smiling serenely.
    2. But Charles smiles serenely and says that she is 'quite, quite sure that it is time to open in another area of London. 'We were on a roll, you see,' she tells me.
    3. Her Florine was grand in style, serenely commanding, and had a mysterious radiance that speaks of joy in dancing.
    4. On their patched and wavy tarmac and acute bends, the Xantia rode serenely. Best of all was the 16-valve model.
    5. The Tadzio then, Douglas Howes, was not a classic pretty-boy type, and his serenely excellent dancing and exceptionally innocent manner made new sense of the choreography's classicism.
    6. "We brew to live," Brother Paul says serenely.
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