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 sere [siә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 干枯的

n. 演替系列

    [ adj ]
    (used especially of vegetation) having lost all moisture
    dried-up grassthe desert was edged with sere vegetation
    shriveled leaves on the unwatered seedlings
    withered vines

    Sear \Sear\, Sere \Sere\ (s[=e]r), a. [OE. seer, AS. se['a]r
    (assumed) fr. se['a]rian to wither; akin to D. zoor dry, LG.
    soor, OHG. sor[=e]n to wither, Gr. a"y`ein to parch, to dry,
    Skr. [,c]ush (for sush) to dry, to wither, Zend hush to dry.
    [root]152. Cf. {Austere}, {Sorrel}, a.]
    Dry; withered; no longer green; -- applied to leaves.

    I have lived long enough; my way of life
    Is fall'n into the sear, the yellow leaf. --Shak.

    Sere \Sere\, a.
    Dry; withered. Same as {Sear}.

    But with its sound it shook the sails
    That were so thin and sere. --Coleridge.

    Sere \Sere\, n. [F. serre.]
    Claw; talon. [Obs.] --Chapman.

    1. Panoche Farms, named for a spindly creek that straggles through sere flatlands, was until a few years ago a single operation run by a partnership between two agribusiness families, the Hansens and the Bakers.
    2. Short answer: looking for an American audience. Jeremy Irons, sere of face and cicatriced with moustache, regales his college history class with trauma-packed memories of boyhood, sex and East Anglia.
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