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    1. Since the U.N. team is likely to bone up on its task by reading this report, it would be good to see exactly where the IPS team went wrong.
    2. Thus, Ms. Petersilia says, the Georgia program "may be dealing with offenders whose risk is unusually low by national standards," and states lacking a similar low-risk pool to tap for IPS may not have nearly as good results.
    3. With air-time, it costs less than Pounds 100. Without air-time, it is Pounds 381.99. Another terrific little toy is the Sony Pixis IPS 760 (Pounds 1,299).
    4. I was in Havana at the time and met with Aryeh Neier, one of two human-rights observers from Americas Watch who accepted an invitation from IPS to go along on the trip.
    5. Though a few IPS probationers seem to resent the constant surveillance, most appear delighted to stay out of prison and be able to live with family or friends.
    6. Finance Ministry officials said they couldn't find any record of IPS Marketing's having been approved for business in the Netherlands.
    7. The town of Fairfield turned to the company IPS in 1988.
    8. Thus far, officials claim, IPS has proven a bargain.
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