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 Ipsa 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (Ipsa)人名;(意)伊普萨

  1. The International Professional Surrogate Association (IPSA) is the only existing organization that certifies sexual surrogate therapists.
    国际职业性代理协会(IPSA)是目前唯一的相关组织。 它给性代理治疗师颁发证书。
  2. For more about surrogate therapy, including how to find a surrogate partner, visit the International Professional Surrogates Association (IPSA) at surrogatetherapy.org.
    关于代理治疗的更多信息,包括如何找到代理伴侣,请登录国际专业代理协会(International Professional Surrogates Association,IPSA)的网站 surrogatetherapy.org。
  3. In combination, knowing that I could do this sexually made me feel like I was qualified, even before I went through training with IPSA in ’95.
    结合来看,我知道自己能干这种事。 它让我感到自己具备这个资格。

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