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 Hotchkiss 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. This step-by-step method is "the best answer anybody's come up with yet" to ensure food safety, Joseph Hotchkiss, an associate professor of food chemistry and toxicology at Cornell University said during a telephone interview Tuesday.
    2. "Fundamentally, the economy is quite strong," said Helen Hotchkiss, a senior economist at Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc.
    3. The well-armed troopers even resorted to the use of Hotchkiss artillery located above the camp.
    4. At about 3% currently, the real yield "suggests we're unlikely to see either a big rally or sell-off anytime soon," Ms. Hotchkiss says.
    5. With 10-year inflation expectations hovering around 5.25% earlier this summer, "there's a much greater risk of rising, rather than falling interest rates," says Helen Hotchkiss, an economist at Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc. in New York.
    6. Much of the abuse occurred within Hotchkiss' home, said Vergari.
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