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 Hote 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (Hote)人名;(法)奥特

  1. Ever without obtaining ownership. memories will return just by touching the DEATH HOTE.
  2. High overload test equipment (HOTE) provides a test to analyze and evaluate the influence of overload on solid propellant rocket motor.
  3. If you order a tabled'hote dinner, you pay the price fixed for the entire dinner, even if you do not have some of the dishes.

Hote \Hote\, v. t. & i. [pres. & imp. {Hatte}, {Hot}, etc.; p.
p. {Hote}, {Hoten}, {Hot}, etc. See {Hight}, {Hete}.]
1. To command; to enjoin. [Obs.] --Piers Plowman.

2. To promise. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

3. To be called; to be named. [Obs.]

There as I was wont to hote Arcite,
Now hight I Philostrate, not worth a mite.

Hote \Hote\, v. t. & i. [pres. & imp. {Hatte}, {Hot}, etc.; p.
p. {Hote}, {Hoten}, {Hot}, etc. See {Hight}, {Hete}.]
1. To command; to enjoin. [Obs.] --Piers Plowman.

2. To promise. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

3. To be called; to be named. [Obs.]

There as I was wont to hote Arcite,
Now hight I Philostrate, not worth a mite.

Hight \Hight\, v. t. & i. [imp. {Hight}, {Hot}, p. p. {Hight},
{Hote} (?), {Hoten} (?). See {Hote}.] [OE. heiten, highten,
haten, hoten; also hight, hatte, hette, is called, was
called, AS. h[=a]tan to call, name, be called, to command,
promise; also h[=a]tte is called, was called; akin to G.
heissen to call, be called, bid, Goth. haitan to call, in the
passive, to be called.]
1. To be called or named. [Archaic & Poetic.]

Note: In the form hight, it is used in a passive sense as a
present, meaning is called or named, also as a
preterite, was called or named. This form has also been
used as a past participle. See {Hote}.

The great poet of Italy,
That highte Dante. --Chaucer.

Bright was her hue, and Geraldine she hight.

Entered then into the church the Reverend
Father he hight, and he was, in the parish.

Childe Harold was he hight. --Byron.

2. To command; to direct; to impel. [Obs.]

But the sad steel seized not where it was hight
Upon the child, but somewhat short did fall.

3. To commit; to intrust. [Obs.]

Yet charge of them was to a porter hight. --Spenser.

4. To promise. [Obs.]

He had hold his day, as he had hight. --Chaucer.

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