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 hotelier   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 旅馆老板

    [ noun ]
    an owner or manager of hotels

    hotelier \hotelier\, hotelkeeper \hotelkeeper\, hotelman
    an owner or manager of a hotel or hotels.

    Syn: hotelkeeper, hotel manager, hotelman, hosteller.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    1. Miss Ward's father, Suffolk hotelier John Ward, has pressed for a continued investigation into his daughter's murder and Kenyan President Daniel arap Moi requested British assistance during a private visit to London last month.
    2. But nervousness ahead of next week's figures kept WH Smith under pressure to end 8 lower at 383p. Brewer and hotelier Vaux was knocked by a sell note and downgrade from Smith New Court, shedding 6 to 168p.
    3. In it, Mo tells the story of Adolph Ng, a homosexual Chinese hotelier who is drawn reluctantly into the conflict.
    4. Hyatt Corp. offered Thursday to buy rival hotelier Ramada Inc. for an estimated $397 million.
    5. There may well be an innocent explanation for the share sale by Mr Michael Hirst, a respected hotelier who runs Ladbroke's Hilton division.
    6. Westin has predominantly domestic locations, while Hilton International is primarily an international hotelier.
    7. The shares climbed 12 to 259p with turnover hitting 3.2m. Regional hotelier Stakis added 2 to 86p after falling behind recently.
    8. Ward, a wealthy hotelier from Suffolk, England, said:"It is a credit to Kenya that they came up with this verdict."
    9. Forte, the UK's biggest hotelier and a large restaurant operator, said: 'There are no significant signs of an upturn.' Luxury goods Hope springs eternal in this sector.
    10. Billionaire hotelier Jay Pritzker and other suitors formally have submitted bids for strikebound Eastern Airlines, but the carrier remained locked Friday on its planned course of cutting operations and selling $1.8 billion in assets.
    11. A high school dropout, he became a master's laureate, Korean War veteran and former Miami Beach hotelier, vice cop, and county police patrolman before becoming a career federal bureaucrat.
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